Tourney Matches Running Throughout Launch Week for Both New and Old Players Alike

The Lo-Fi Apocalypse announces its asymmetrical multiplayer game OBEY has launched out of Early Access and is now available as a full release for $7.99 on Steam.

We’ve all played games where you send commands to teammates or AI units. OBEY instead puts you in the position to command your enemies (human opponents), and to be commanded by them. Players are always free to obey/disobey.

“The great video game OBEY is a social experiment: To what degree are players willing to act against their own will in order to prevent somebody else’s victory?” — Zeit Online

“…[OBEY] is a tense, fast-paced King of the Hill-type encounter where the balance of power is constantly shifting and is not always in the hands of the only person with actual weaponry.” — HardcoreGamer

“Simply put, OBEY is one of, if not the best, multiplayer games I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing.” — IndieGames

OBEY is a unique multiplayer action game where winning means bribing and coercing your opponents into helping you win, and making themselves lose. To win, a player must make the most money by the end of the round. To make money the fastest, you must control the Robo. This allows you to enforce your will by using deadly force, as long as you can find any misbehaving opponents hiding in the dark.

However, experienced OBEY players know that it is not always in their interest to simply kill the approaching adversaries, but instead entice opponents to do their bidding… and that’s where things get interesting!


  • Unique asymetrical multiplayer gameplay mechanics
  • Social and Psychological King-of-the-hill gameplay
  • Stealth Gameplay mechanics
  • Supports user created maps
  • A buffet of items to creatively influence or trick opponents
  • A complex world that allows for almost unlimited forms of deception
  • Emergent gameplay springs from player psychology and self interest
  • Explosive effects
  • Really cool robot to control and explode bunnies with
  • No internet connection required with local LAN support

OBEY is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux for $7.99. A 4-pack bundle is also available to purchase for $19.99. Both are on sale now through May 19th.



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