Modiphius Entertainment Launches New Online Store for the United States and Canada – Launches Special Limited Offers to Celebrate


Modiphius Entertainment Launches New Online Store for the United States and Canada – Launches Special Limited Offers to Celebrate

Today, Modiphius Entertainment is opening a new online store for North American (US, Canada, and Mexico) customers. The new web store is a one-stop shop for customers in North America and makes it so shipping costs are much lower than before for those users.

As part of the launch, Modiphius is offering special pre-orders for their upcoming Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Sand & Dust Supplement, Homeworld RPG, Achtung! Cthulhu 2D20 roleplaying products, the Star Trek Adventures: Shackleton Expanse supplement, and the recently announced Runehammer special editions of Index Card RPG and Viking Death Squad. To top it off, Modiphius’ Achtung! Cthulhu 6th & 7th edition books for Call of Cthulhu and Achtung! Cthulhu for Savage Worlds also features a massive discount — just  £1 (approx. $1.38 US) for physical editions of these books, and £10 (approx. $13.85 US) for a PDF collection featuring all of the Achtung! Cthulhu for both Savage Worlds and Call of Cthulhu setting books and adventures.

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