The ultimate zoo simulation expands with Planet Zoo’s Africa Pack!


The ultimate zoo simulation expands with Planet Zoo’s Africa Pack!

Today’s the day Frontier Devlopments unleashes Planet Zoo: Africa Pack into the wild!

Get ready to welcome five new iconic animals to Planet Zoo, including the curious Meerkat, the endearing Fennec Fox and the striking Southern White Rhino. Zookeepers can care for their latest inhabitants and welcome guests to a rich and vibrant zoo with over 180 new scenery pieces, creating a paradise for both animals and guests alike! Players can also test their zookeeping skills with a fresh new challenge: a timed scenario taking place in a picturesque oasis bazaar. Planet Zoo: Africa Pack is out now on Steam for a suggested retail price of £7.99 / $9.99 / €9.99.

Loopindex will be released this week


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