PREVIEW : 2089: Space Divided (PC)

PREVIEW : 2089: Space Divided (PC)

PREVIEW : 2089: Space Divided (PC)

You can choose to lead one of three sides in the sci-fi RTS game 2089 – Space Divided. Join your faction in battle on a foreign world and compete for money, power, or maybe simply survival.

Be more intelligent than your rivals to establish your superiority on the battlefield.

PREVIEW : 2089: Space Divided (PC)

You decide whether to use guerrilla tactics or sophisticated military equipment.

The Andarers are highly skilled in technology. For every young cadet, discipline and excellence are requirements.

Their bases are virtually impregnable due to sophisticated weapons and robust fortifications.

The Redaxh don’t resemble people. hideous insects, more like them.

The other groups’ technologies are vastly different.

Although the armament systems are extremely sophisticated and deadly, the structures appear to be weak. You should still get away from their arms.

The Zan appears to be a piecemeal construction throughout.

Weapon systems appear to be antiquated and unsuited to open warfare.

PREVIEW : 2089: Space Divided (PC)

They are excellent at attacking from cover, though, and are hard for the enemy to notice.

Economy: The foundation of your economy is made up of mines, power plants, and diligent drones.

To keep your military equipment functioning, collect as much crystal, titanium, and electricity as you can.

A healthy economy is a necessity for winning any battle.

Which is more important for research: speedier production or stronger weapons? Many weak outposts or a few strong ones?

Always adjust your research choices to your strategies.

Being too technologically dated will inevitably lead to your destruction.

PREVIEW : 2089: Space Divided (PC)

Base construction: Choose between fully fortified bases and nomadism.

Keep in mind that a target that is still standing is simple to hit.

Utilize the option of placing your structures anywhere on the planet to occupy strategically advantageous locations for you.

In the long term, the conflict will be won by whoever controls the map.


After the Redaxh visited the Earth in 2089, society became divided into those who welcomed the visitors and those who did not.

After separating from the Andarers, the Zan grew to hate everything alien.

They declared war on the Old World following a successful assassination attempt on a Redaxh delegation.

The Andarians, Zan, and Redaxh engaged in bloody conflicts because they simply wanted to destroy one another.

In the story mode, pick one of the three factions and compete for power.


The game obviously lacks a lot of content, but it already has certain fundamental elements, and I enjoyed the game’s core experience, which reminded me a lot of Supreme Commander more than Command and Conquer (despite what many people claim).

PREVIEW : 2089: Space Divided (PC)

The game is fantastic considering it was created by such a tiny development team, and I hope they can keep making improvements and adding new content because you can currently only play with 2 factions in single-player skirmishes against the AI and a mode to repel waves. There is currently no multiplayer. I discovered two or three bugs, but given the scope of the project, they are reasonable.

The game is not optimised; when playing a 2vs2 match, after around 20 minutes have passed and there are several units present, the frame rate dramatically drops, and at times, the units take about 5 seconds to react to movement commands.

REVIEW : Triple Take (PC)


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