Rebel Cops adds new “Rebel Yell” survival mode, available now on PC


This Is the Police spin-off gets a free update on PC, console versions to follow

THQ Nordic and Weappy Studio announced today a new “Rebel Yell” survival mode for Rebel Cops, a tactical stealth game set in This Is the Police universe. 

Take four cops with random perks and skills, and hold out for as long as you can against endless waves of scum and vermin. You’ll start out with trusty knives, and everything else you’ll have to scavenge from the battlefield. But that’s not gonna stop you, right?

Rebel Yell mode is available on Steam via a free update and will be coming to other platforms later this October.

About Rebel Cops

Rebel Cops is a turn-based tactics stealth game set in the This Is the Police universe. In Rebel Cops, you control a squad of ex-police officers united by a desire to take down their town’s new criminal overlord. The spin-off will focus on turn-based stealth gameplay, with unforgiving combat and vast levels to explore. Rebel Cops is out now on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch™.

Key Features

  • Fight the corrupt authority: After criminal mastermind Viktor Zuev took over the town of Ripton, you and your fellow police officers have gone rogue to do what must be done. Perform tactical turn-based missions to undermine Zuev’s allies and bring the power back to the people.
  • No hitpoints, no forgiveness: You are outmanned and outgunned. Use stealth tactics and cover to approach the enemy quietly and take them down before they can raise any alarms. There are no health bars in Rebel Cops! Once shot, your officers will bleed out unless you act fast to save them.
  • Explore, loot, and watch your back: Rebel Cops features a large number of scenarios, from compact operations to big, open-ended locations to explore. Build up your street cred in Ripton by helping out local folks in side missions and get rewarded for exploring the levels thoroughly.
  • Take the high moral road – or not: Justice must be served, but it’s up to you to choose how that happens. Will you play by Zuev’s merciless rules? Will you help the desperate townspeople, even if it means putting your operation at risk? In Rebel Cops, your reputation will affect your team’s morale and even the merchants’ prices.

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