Home Gaming REVIEW : Dog Duty (PC)

REVIEW : Dog Duty (PC)

REVIEW : Dog Duty (PC)

REVIEW : Dog Duty (PC)

The developer Zanardi and Liza along with publisher SOEDESCO is developing a real-time tactical shooter game that is named Dog Duty. 

But even though it is still in the early access, the play is complete and some bugs remain to be fixed. The narrative of the play is a cliché, sin wants to conquer the universe and the only thing left for you is to become champions by finishing it.

REVIEW : Dog Duty (PC)

It is engaging in what ways this traditional story can be made attractive, and this game has just shown that.

The whole play is set in a 3D environment from a bird’s eye view while some cutscenes, weaponry, inventory, sketch and character appearances are 2D pixel-art, which gives the game a very unique perspective.

The main brutes in the game are Octopus Commander and his army, who chose to conquer the world by slaughtering the competition. But the narrative is less significant here, your principal task is to kill three very massively armed vehicles, in the three regions in which it will be found. And following that, you will have to go to the City to destroy the chief boss of the game.

When you begin the game, you move immediately and without delay to the adventures. The first mission is to escape from jail, this mission is also a tutorial where you will get the basics, how to use a weapon, how to use a Molotov and this is where you unfasten your initial three characters.

REVIEW : Dog Duty (PC)

In that mission, you will also unfasten a character called Romeo, which is the best character in the entire game. Romeo is as powerful as a mountain and carries with him a machine gun, and it is very hard to knock him down.

But of course, there are 5 more characters in the play next to him that you might like. After finishing the first mission, you will get your first vehicle, Old Truck, with which you will be able to drive around the city and Desert City region. 

Controlling these transports is quite easy as it can be operated with both keyboard (W, A, S, D) or mouse. While driving, you will meet an octopus army that will try to hold you, you can either take the fight or just run away, but if you kill them, you get 100 bucks with which you can buy useful things. Be cautious because your vehicle also has a stamina bar and which can be restored by clicking ALT on the marked parking field.

REVIEW : Dog Duty (PC)

In the shop, you can also trade your items or exchange one of your characters with reserves. Throughout the gameplay, Molotov was one of my most loyal friends, he can clear the sector from the opponents at very great distances, while opponents would just stand in the fire and not think to get rid of it.

Even if the opponents don’t see you, they will scream “Hey you!”. Nearly every communication in this game has that seasoning of drama and modern jokes, so you’ll have to think twice before you want to jump it.

You will also find some helpful stuff there, for instance in Weapon Supply you can find Molotov’s, bombs or even rockets. Of course, some of those regions will be more difficult to take over, but you also don’t have to go in order.

REVIEW : Dog Duty (PC)

In the end, you will have to struggle with the boss of that region, who also has a stamina bar and after he loses half of it, he goes into “heat” mode and his hits will grow more energetic. The most obvious boss without a doubt is Octo-Jumper, as he only fires vertically.

As you clear out all three sections from the bosses, you’ll have to go back to the capital city where the chief base of the Octopus Army is. 

You will require a very good tactic because the army is continually coming in large numbers, at that minute you should use a Molotov cocktail. And finally, when you take charge of that, the final boss Mecha Octopus will sneak out and try to slaughter you. 




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