REVIEW : Eufloria HD (PS VITA)


Eufloria HD on Vita is an enhanced port of a 2011 PS3 game, adding touch control for the handheld version. It is essentially a real-time strategy game, which means you’ll be commanding your troops in action real time as opposed to turn-based games such X-COM: Enemy Unknown.

Seedlings are your soldiers in Eufloria and they help you take over asteroids. There are variety of approaches to achieve this task.

You start of one asteroid and your objective is to take control of other asteroids at that level. Other objectives include defeating the enemy or being first to 200 seedlings. You move your seedlings by tapping an asteroid and then tapping the place you want them to go to, then you can decide how many seedlings you want to move.

To take over an asteroid you’ll need at least 10 seedlings so that you can plant a tree, which will then grow more seedlings. You can also plant defensive trees,  which won’t grow seedlings but attack enemies.

Along with regular troops you can also create other troops using laser flower pods’. These can be used to create more powerful, glowing, seedlings or a ‘lasermine’ that circles your asteroid and kills any enemies that try to invade. Seedlings can also boost the asteroid’s strength, speed or energy stats – meaning that future seedlings from there will be better. Of course as levels progress you can find yourself having to manage 10 or 20 asteroids, fending off enemy attacks and trying to take over more territories!

Eufloria HD is very easy to play with a great introduction. There are 25 levels in the story mode with end levels proving very challenging .

The story in the campaign is minimum but keeps you hooked. The campaign will last you a good 20 hours plus. And skirmish mode adds more content to be battle ready and take over more territories.



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