Home Gaming REVIEW : Space Crew (PC)

REVIEW : Space Crew (PC)

REVIEW : Space Crew (PC)

REVIEW : Space Crew (PC)

Ever wanted to turn up your ragtag group to travel space: the final frontier? Well in Space Crew I was capable to do just that. The journeys of the starship USS Abdou involved exploring unusual new worlds. Seeking out modern life and new civilizations, and abruptly going where no one has gone before.

REVIEW : Space Crew (PC)

If you’ve ever played Bomber Crew then you should already have a pretty solid idea of what Space Crew is all about, but for new followers here’s the gist. Space Crew is a sci-fi tactics game where you’re in charge of a group of people on a spacecraft and your goal is to complete a variety of missions while keeping the ship and keeping your crew alive. Now while that might seem pretty simple and all seems pretty simple during the practice missions let me tell you that it is not that easy.

REVIEW : Space Crew (PC)

Once the practice wheels come off you will instantly sense the stresses of being in command of a ship and crew. It was on my third charge, which was deemed a low-risk mission that I lost about three portions .of my crew thanks to being blindsided by an invasion from an alien threat known as the Phasmids, the main enemies of the game. It was frightening seeing my crew die and having to get one of the security officers to run to the captain’s chair to tell the other last remaining crew member to dropship. While he managed to stave off the Phasmids and save the other crew member who was floating in space in an escape pod, it was pretty overwhelming returning to base to see all the other members marked as KIA.

REVIEW : Space Crew (PC)

While the Phasmids in the early game can be a bit much. Thankfully the handling of the game itself isn’t as difficult. You’ll find it’s rather easy to quickly pick up the buttons and operate the ship with any crew member. Certain members specialise in certain fields such as weapons, engineering, comms and captain. Usually, when it gets to operating each team member it’s just a matter of pointing and clicking and then they’ll solve on with what they need to do. Does something need repairing? Well, you just snap on your engineer and point them in the right path and Bob’s your uncle, you’re sorted.

REVIEW : Space Crew (PC)

Flying the ship as well is very simple. After you choose a mission you then switch into the target locking mode to decide where you want the ship to head to. Easy stuff unless whoever is in the captain’s chair isn’t a captain, and then you’ll instantly discover there’s a reason crew members specialise in specific areas. This is something I found when my captain died. but I wanted my weapons officer to complete some defensive manoeuvres to evade the ship being destroyed by the Phasmids.

All in all the game is easy and for the most part. is pleasant as you do feel like you’re a captain of a Star Trek-style ship. It does, unluckily, begin to feel a little repetitive as the missions go on as they tend to just be things like moving to a certain location to pick something up, or going someplace to clear the area. But there’s a good amount of content in here to keep you entertained, such as unfastening new parts for your ship, recruiting new members, and being able to customise the look of both your crew and ship.

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