The Fools will be setting sail on Nintendo Switch, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S!


The Fools will be setting sail on Nintendo Switch, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S!

Team17 and Fika Productions have announced that Ship of Fools will launch on new-generation console platforms later this year. In addition to the Steam for PC version, the frantic one or two-player local and online co-op roguelite is destined for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. Set on the high seas, Ship of Fools follows a bunch of courageous (well, foolhardy) anthropomorphic sailors out to save their Archipelago from gigantic, deadly leviathans and The Everlasting Storm, as they strive to prevent the Aquapocalypse.

As the Fools and their good ship Stormstrider navigate the treacherous waters of the Archipelago, they’ll engage in chaotic cannon firefights, thwack enemies with oars, and run-saving deck repairs as the behemoths from the depths try to send them to Davey Jones’ locker. Along the way, the Fools will have to work together to stave off enemy encounters to secure rewards, uncover lost treasures and remote shops on islands, use harpoons to loot items adrift on the open sea, and ultimately defeat the final boss and try to stop the end of the world. 

Ship of Fools key features include:
•    Bombastic combat – Frantic ship-based combat against colossal leviathans and horrifying creatures from across the deep, dark waters of the Archipelago
•    Frantic co-op experience – Designed from the keel up for co-op play, manage ship repairs in the heat of battle, reload and re-manoeuvre cannons, and use paddles to strike enemies as they board the Stormstrider
•    Endless replayability – Upgrade your crew and unlock items and additional Fools to take on the ever-changing seas, with multiple runs needed to avert the Aquapocalypse.

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