Celebrate Gamescom and join the 2020 Feardemic Conference to discover a new world of horror!

FEARDEMIC sp. z o.o., a wholly-owned subsidiary of BLOOBER TEAM S.A, will host its annual Feardemic Conference in parallel to Gamescom 2020 to showcase its horrific 2020/2021 lineup.

Feardemic is excited to reveal its annual conference will take place digitally on Thursday the 28th at 1:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM CEST on the official YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook channels of the horror game publisher.

During the conference, viewers can expect a top-secret world-first reveal of an unannounced game set in the universe of one of the most popular games of our parent company ‒ Bloober Team as well as new trailersand reveals from the GOTY 2020 candidate DARQ: Complete Edition, the atmospheric horror narrative experience Death of Rose, the super-fast arcade shooter Cathedral 3-D, the demon-hunting top-down roguelite One Shell Straight to Hell.

In making a comment about the conference, Giorgio Crosali, Marketing Manager at Feardemic, says: “Our intention with this conference is not only to showcase what is without any doubts one of the richest cross-gen line-ups of this year, but also to “put the fun back into funeral” with a show that will entertain its viewers with a classy vampiric host, a nostalgic 1930s horror atmosphere, and lashings of Eastern European humour.

Furthermore, the day following the conference, IGN will exclusively host world-first gameplay commentaries from “The Crypt” DLC of DARQ: Complete Edition and from Death of Rose. The exact schedule and channels of this event will be revealed during the conference and on the official channels of Feardemic.

In case of any questions about the games, or for inquiries regarding the participation of Feardemic at Gamescom 2020, we invite you to reach Feardemic at [email protected].



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