Brace for impact! The newest disaster has made landfall. 

Fifth Harbour Studios, the minds behind the social strategy title Project Planet, are expanding their world-ending repertoire. In the game’s latest update, players may now select an asteroid impact from the title’s growing list of natural disasters.

Project Planet is a 1 v. 5 strategic party game that places players at the forefront of natural disasters. The goal? Survive as humanity, or destroy the population as Earth. Available for up to six players, five participants must protect the planet while the sixth targets the populace. As Earth, players select a global disaster to decrease humanity’s population; as humanity, players determine how to respond, often shirking on their duties to boost their own reputation. Divided into four rounds, players accomplish their goals by saving the planet on behalf of humanity or eliminating the population as Earth. Different natural disaster choices and role distribution create endless replay ability within Project Planet.

The development team behind Project Planet is excited to introduce a new disaster to their growing list. The latest update adds an asteroid impact to the game, offering players a new challenge to overcome. This asteroid has collided with devastating force, killing countless and leaving the rest without the necessary resources for survival. Quick action must be taken to halt population decline before Earth takes its final measure.

Key Features

  • Ultimate game night: Compatible up to 6 players and only one copy necessary!
  • Swear your allegiance: Play as Earth or one of five Humanity roles, each with different responsibilities and social dilemmas.
  • Everyone for themselves: Work together to save humanity, but don’t forget your own interests. There can only be one winner!
  • Unlimited replayability: Choose a different Humanity role, play as Earth, or explore Project Planet’s new asteroid disaster!

Project Planet is available now on Steam.

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