Comscore Announces New Agreement with Anzu for Mobile In-Game Audience Measurement of Display and Video


Comscore Announces New Agreement with Anzu for Mobile In-Game Audience Measurement of Display and Video

 Comscore (NASDAQ: SCOR), a trusted partner for planning, transacting, and evaluating media across platforms, today announced a new agreement to provide Anzu, the world’s in-game advertising leader, with Comscore’s industry-leading Validated Campaign Essentials™ (VCE®) and Comscore Brand Survey Lift™ solutions for mobile campaigns.

The gaming market is bigger than the music and film industries combined, with a worldwide audience topping 3 billion people who are projected to spend nearly $175 billion in 2020. With this scope and potential, brand advertisers have started to consider in-game advertising as part of their multi-pronged advertising strategy, which means that third-party measurement and benchmarking is more relevant than ever. 

Anzu unlocks the diverse, hard-to-reach gaming audiences to brands by seamlessly blending real-world ads into games in a non-intrusive way that respects the gamer experience. With the partnership between Anzu and Comscore, advertisers will be able to measure their in-game advertising campaigns in real time and evaluate the impact of the campaigns on their brands. These valuable insights will give advertisers the confidence to tap into in-game advertising. 

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Comscore, a pioneer in the field and a trusted partner for top-tier advertising brands,” says Itamar Benedy, CEO and Co-Founder, Anzu. “As gaming has taken off, advertisers are seeing its potential as a media channel. I’m happy to expand Comscore’s footprint across the in-game space as, together, we empower advertisers to make informed decisions and measure the value of this relatively new and fast-growing channel.”

“We are excited to begin supporting Anzu’s innovative in-game advertising with our advertising  measurement and attribution solutions that will enable a deeper understanding of their audience’s behavior and power Anzu’s business growth,” said Carol Hinnant, Chief Revenue Officer, Comscore. “Comscore understands the enormous opportunity that gaming and Esports is presenting the industry and is building the next generation of cross-screen media measurement solutions to support it. We are pleased to support Anzu’s mission to improve the advertising ecosystem by creating meaningful connections between people and brands.”

There have been remarkable shifts in video gaming and esports audience behavior in 2020, including a growing receptiveness to advertising and product placement. Comscore’s ‘State of Gaming’ report found that 48 percent of all gamers would like to see more chances for rewarded in-game ads in a day.

Comscore Validated Campaign Essentials™ (VCE®) is a holistic advertising measurement solution that provides real-time insights to improve the performance of advertising campaigns. VCE validates audience delivery and viewability for display and video inventory across desktop and mobile devices.

Comscore Brand Survey Lift™ is a survey-based branding effectiveness solution that measures the total branding impact of cross-platform campaigns as well as lift by platforms, network, publisher, placement and creative. Brand Survey Lift provides marketers, agencies and media companies with insight into a campaign’s ability to drive lifts in key branding metrics, such as awareness, favorability and purchase intent.

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