Darwin Project Takes Over Mixer, Lets Spectators Turn the Tide of the Manhunt This Weekend

Darwin Project Takes Over Mixer, Lets Spectators Turn the Tide of the Manhunt This Weekend
Darwin Project Takes Over Mixer, Lets Spectators Turn the Tide of the Manhunt This Weekend

Darwin Project Takes Over Mixer, Lets Spectators Turn the Tide of the Manhunt This Weekend

Today, Scavengers Studio is excited to announce that Darwin Project will unveil a brand new feature at PAX South as it makes spectator interactions available to users on Mixer for the first time. Marking a first for the battle royale genre, stream spectators will have the opportunity to directly influence the manhunt action unfolding in front of them.


Kicking off on Friday, January 12 and running until PAX South closes its doors on Sunday, January 14, both attendees and battle royale fans at home will be able to get their first taste of spectator interactions. Scavengers Studio will be hosting matches all weekend long at https://mixer.com/darwinproject, so simply sign into your Mixer account, jump into the stream and let your voice be heard!


But, what are spectator interactions? Viewers on the Darwin Project Mixer channel will be able to bet live on the competitors they think will reign supreme, in addition to helping the Show Director choose targets for their arena-shaping powers. Whether they’re voting on which player deserves a death-defying heal or which zone to nuke, it’s time for spectators to become active participants in the manhunt.


PAX South and Mixer are just the start, though. Spectator interactions are a core component of the Darwin Project experience, so Scavengers Studio plans to continue building upon these foundations to bring the feature to even more users over the coming months, as they offer up more chances to test it out.


Darwin Project is slated to launch on Xbox One and PC in spring 2018. For the latest updates, visit Scavengers Studio’s official website or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Discord and Instagram.


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