Diablo IV Reveals Next Seasons Updates and More Info on the First PTR in Campfire Chat


Diablo IV Reveals Next Seasons Updates and More Info on the First PTR in Campfire Chat

Today community director Adam Fletcher, associate game designer Charles Dunn, lead live class designer Adam Jackson, and associate game director Joe Piepiora sat down to discuss the upcoming itemization changes coming in the next Season. They discussed how Affixes, item stats, the Codex of Power, and new in-game systems will change the way you slay and loot in the Seasonal and Eternal Realms. Following that discussion, they gave additional details on our first Public Test Realm (PTR) in Diablo IV that will be available for PC BattleNet users. This will be the first taste of changes coming to the next Season and the team will be listening closely to your feedback to make adjustments before the Season arrives for everyone.

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