Enshrouded World available now for PC

Enshrouded World available now for PC
Enshrouded World available now for PC

Enshrouded World available now for PC

Vehicular combat game Enshrouded World launched worldwide today on Steam.


Enshrouded World was developed solely on the Leadwerks Engine, and stands out as one of the few games in existence on this platform.


Created by Brandon Gallo, Enshrouded World is a completely solo effort for this first-time games developer.


Incredibly Brandon created every aspect of the game, including providing all of the character voice-over work.


The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world in which you play the part of a botanistwho must oversee an exodus to the Earth’s surface.


Enshrouded World complements the fast-paced combat and exploration elements of its gameplay with slower survival and management components, which are all intertwined by the relationship between the player and their vehicle.


Review copies of Enshrouded World are available now – contact us for your copy today.


For more information on Enshrouded World visit the Steam pagehttp://store.steampowered.com/app/658440/Enshrouded_World/ 

Game details

Game: Enshrouded World

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux

Stores: Steam

Release Date: 31 October 2017

Languages: English

Players: 1

Developer: Brandon Gallo


Key features

  • A choice of different paths to each objective
  • Blends survival with action game styles
  • A variety of enemies in the air and on land
  • Built entirely on the Leadwerks Game Engine


The story

The 21st century saw the dwindling of resources, large scale extinction and an overpopulation crisis that led to a last-ditch effort to prevent further destruction to Earth’s ecosystem. Rapid progression in the field of virtual reality offered the opportunity to escape from the increasingly dire conditions on Earth; an attractive proposition that saw millions migrate to a series of underground facilities, all controlled by a ruling organisation called Watchdog. These facilities were provided with an independent oxygen supply generated by artificial environments housing a wide range of flourishing fauna and flora.
You play the role of Jill, a botanist who has been plucked from a Watchdog police state and placed within a team overlooking the exodus from an oxygen production facility. However, Watchdog’s intentions with Jill aren’t as simple or innocent as they may first appear..




Twitter: https://twitter.com/EnshroudedWorld

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enshroudedworld/


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