Castle of Memories – Get the sequel, Forest of Memories!


Castle of Memories – Get the sequel, Forest of Memories!

You are cursed. While you have enjoyed relative safety and a peaceful life, all of that has now changed: You bear a powerful, heavy curse that weighs down on you. It is killing you.

Your only hope is the witch who lives in a dark forest. You have heard stories of this witch who hides in an enchanted forest. It will be dangerous, as it is said to be full of dangerous beasts, capricious fae, and the walking dead. Arm yourself, and prepare for a journey.

You are magical. The curse hasn’t only been a hindrance; its magic seeps out of your body and allows you to cast magic spells. These will help you on your journey to find the witch.

This is a single-player, tarot-based TTRPG that acts as a sequel and successor to Castle of Memories. You can either start the game fresh with a new character, your you can bring back your character from Castle and continue their story on this new adventure.

You will explore a dark, enchanted forest that is fraught with danger, challenges, and help from unlikely NPCs. In this game, you will:

  • Recover hidden memories from the deepest recesses of your mind, manifesting in the form of tarot cards that allow you to cast spells
  • Fight beasts, undead, and fae using a card-based combat system
  • Continue your character’s journey from Castle of Memories or start a new character’s journey of self-discovery
  • Randomly generate an enchanted forest to explore using tarot cards as your guide, all as you search for the witch who can lift your curse.

Inspired by Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest, and several other games such as Bloodborne and Errant, explore the forest and save your soul from devastation!

Perfect park – sunny-place playtest! Open signup on steam!


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