Get Lost in Self Care Coziness in Fall of Porcupine, Coming June 15th


You’ve just drawn a bubble bath. The candles are lit and the lights are dim. Your robe is perfectly warm from the dryer and you’ve never been more ready for its warm embrace. But then your phone dings. It’s the charge nurse and you’re being summoned back to the ER due to the short-staffed night crew…such is the life of a young doctor. 

In Fall of Porcupine, you’ll don the still-fresh and pleated scrubs of Dr. Finley, the newest resident of the cozy, small town of Porcupine. While the future of his career has never seemed more promising, the town of Porcupine’s residents may prove to be the most challenging obstacle yet. Between friendships gone amiss, difficult bosses and abusive coworkers, and an overreaching, demanding healthcare system gone haywire, Finley will find that celebrating life’s small wins and embracing one’s few true friends proves more rewarding than trying to please even the grumpiest of bosses. 

On June 15th, Fall of Porcupine establishes its residency on PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam.

Key Features:

👨‍⚕️Dynamic Caretaker: Met with an onslaught of challenges both emotional and physical, Finley must keep his wits about him and keep patients cared for and stable 

🧩Empathy is a Puzzle: Identify and resolve conflicts with coworkers, friends, and patients through a system of intricate puzzles, minigames, and conversations 

🍺 Enjoy the Downtime: The town of Porcupine is flourishing despite some less-than-ideal denizens. Take time to explore, smell the roses, work on breathing exercises, and sit down for an ale with friends at the local pub. 

đź’­ Communication is Key: The game’s story is woven through interconnected dialogue with key characters and the town’s NPCs. Engage in funny, profound, and sometimes serious dialogues, in which you’ll be able to choose your answers and influence your relationships.

Aquarist is coming to Xbox soon


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