‘Hellmut: The Badass from Hell’ Introduces Transformations and Brings Final Closed Beta Update

‘Hellmut: The Badass from Hell’ Introduces Transformations and Brings Final Closed Beta Update
‘Hellmut: The Badass from Hell’ Introduces Transformations and Brings Final Closed Beta Update

‘Hellmut: The Badass from Hell’ Introduces Transformations and Brings Final Closed Beta Update

Publisher Grindstone and developer Volcanicc today announced that their roguelike dungeon crawler Hellmut: The Badass from Hell has received the final closed beta update in the run-up to its commercial launch on PC in Q1 2018, and subsequently on Xbox One, PS4 and Switch. Along with the update, developers have released a new in-game video introducing the key feature in Hellmut – Transformations. The gameplay footage showcases three out of ten Transformations in gun-toting action that will be available in the final build: Stitchmonster, Construct and Rat King.

Available for pre-order on GOG.com for €14.99/$14.99 with a temporary 10% discount, the updated version of the game contains an additional environment, new boss fight and plenty other features to keep players engaged for hours.

“What makes Hellmut different from anything on the market right now is the Transformations feature, which allows players to instantly switch among various characters adding another layer of strategy into the game”, said Peter Nagy, CEO of Grindstone. “We are humbled by the positive feedback from the players who have taken part in the closed beta so far, therefore as a token of gratitude for participating in the development, those who pre-order the game on GOG will be awarded with a bonus weapon, the GOG Galaxificator, after the official game launch.”

In Hellmut, players unleash an infernal bullet-storm onto hordes of Demonspawn and savage bosses in a randomly generated environment, collecting their souls, coins and weapons, and aiming to perform sweet ‘demonocide’. In between fast-paced play sessions packed with action, players unlock permanent and temporary Transformations, allowing players to control such ludicrous monstrosities as the Rat King, the mighty spell-caster Orc Fairy, and many more, each countering different enemies with own brutal play style.

From more information visit www.frombadass.com.

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