Home Home The home PC desk should be a thing of beauty

The home PC desk should be a thing of beauty

The home PC desk should be a thing of beauty
The home PC desk should be a thing of beauty

The home PC desk should be a thing of beauty

As a some-time tech-support person, I go around many home offices or kid’s dens to find out what’s up with a PC. From the viruses they’ve contracted, what mad setting they invoked to make the screen go purple or voices funny come out when chatting, the solution often takes a few minutes, but what strikes me is how poor or cheap looking most home desks are.


For some reason, despite spending thousands of a monster PC, laptop or console setup with huge TV, people have all kinds of crappy Argos or Best Buy furniture to keep their thoroughbred system on. It looks horrible, they are often full of dust traps and have no handy wiring spaces to keep the place looking tidy.


I’m not telling the world to spend a fortune. But just to make that home office look a bit more like an office, or that den desk to reflect the money they’ve spent on all the other stuff in it. As campaigns go, it is not up there with world peace, but a little bit of me dies inside when I see technology sprawled across a cheap MDF bench or worse.


Business or pleasure?

There are a huge range of desks and chairs for the home worker, from those clever standing up desks for those who don’t want to spend all day hunched over in a chair, to executive desks that belong in a sci-fi film or in a CEO’s office.


Just a little further down are a wide range of dedicated PC desks that do their best to hide the wires and help you feel all executive, even if you just send begging emails all day. These are easier to clean, keeping the dust at bay and often come with clever cubby holes for those throwback pens and paperclips that you might just need someday.


Combined with a good chair, you can feel like the commander of your ship, no matter how small the business, or mundane the task.


Game on for players

Game players have all the best stuff when it comes to improving their experience. From custom controllers to gaming seats, there is also a wide range of furniture to make that iconic case or frantic setup look its best.


With a gaming desk, you can show off that case loaded with LEDs or water cooling features at its best. You can string a row of HD monitors together for that super widescreen gaming view. And have plenty of room for light-up keyboards, mice, flight sticks and so on, all at the perfect height for maximum comfort.


There’s also storage for those limited edition games and the statues, plushies or other goodies they come with. With players spending long periods of time at their desk, it needs to be comfortable and ergonomically friendly. That helps prevent back and neck aches, wrist ache and RSI, which will really put a cramp in your gaming style in the future.


Art is where the heart is

For those who just want something out of the ordinary, or for that creative flair, there are also plenty of artistic desks for the designer in your family or someone who doesn’t want to feel like a slave to technology.


PIC – https://pin.it/thi0ktB


From rustic desks crafted from a whole piece of timber, or repurposed from an old Victorian or Edwardian piece to suit the modern age, there are plenty of examples that can be picked up to add a focal point to a room where you need a PC, but don’t want to look like an office gonk.

In an age where people don’t want their technology to define them, going with a crafty chic can remind people that they still live in a home and, these often have lots more storage and space than more modern designs.




Whatever you need, there is a desk out there for you, and they don’t have to cost a fortune. Many of the not-quite IKEA stores have very good products at reasonable prices, while there are lots of bargains to be had at ex-business sales if you want to go the executive route. You may well pay more for a custom reclaimed desk, but that weight and sense of craft really can make a difference when you or a visitor enters the room. So, go large when it comes to a home PC desk, for your own physical and mental health as well as making the room look great.



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