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iXie unveils new brand identity marking its expansion into end-to-end game development services


iXie unveils new brand identity marking its expansion into end-to-end game development services

iXie, the gaming division of Indium Software unveiled its new brand identity, including a change in the logo, visual identity and a new website. The new brand marks the launch of iXie’s end-to-end game development studio, offering a wide range of gaming services to top video game companies across the globe.

After more than a decade of experience in testing different genres of games and performing data analytics for 100+ marquee game companies, across 450+ game titles and 1000+ gaming devices, this announcement marks iXie’s entry into the world of Game Design and Development as a service. iXie’s newly introduced full-stack gaming services include Game Development, Art Production, Game Quality Assurance, and Game Localization.

‘It gives me immense pleasure to announce that iXie is expanding into the gaming-as-a-service market with a holistic game design and development competency. Our services reflect our passion for gaming, deep gaming expertise and proven engineering strength’, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, COO & Head of Gaming at Indium Software said.

“The rebranding represents an evolved iXie, both inside the company and out, with a strategy hyper-focused on the global gaming industry and the rapidly evolving game development landscape. The new brand and website are a visual reflection of the real-world potential of our expanded capabilities, thus creating unprecedented end gamer user experience”, says Mohan Raman, SVP of Marketing, Indium Software.New logo and brand colors: As a prominent representation of the company, people and brand, the new logo is simple, smart and playful. Inspired by the core element of the ‘X’ in Indium’s logo, the X in iXie represents our differentiated value proposition to customers – the X factor, with a cheeky play on the console button. The multitude of fresh colors speaks to the diversity and richness that truly represents the gaming universe and its vast gamer community.

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