Katana-Ra: Shinobi Rising’s First Patch Now Available


We are excited to announce that the first patch of the action-adventure game Katana-Ra: Shinobi Rising, is being released today on Steam.

Katana-Ra: Shinobi Rising is an action-adventure game set in a Japanese-inspired cyberpunk universe, where players play as a Shinobi to solve a murder mystery using stealth combat, puzzles, and clue-finding, with impressive graphics and an engaging storyline, all within a time limit.

The new features include full controller support, Steam Deck support, Steam Cloud saves, three difficulty levels, and localization in Korean. In addition, the low graphics settings have been removed and we’ve fixed many bugs.

Apart from that, indicators for combat targeting and the right click rotation have been improved, and the camera time on post-death clues has been increased.

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