Meet Claudia – a new playable character from Saturnalia!

Meet Claudia - a new playable character from Saturnalia!

Meet Claudia – a new playable character from Saturnalia!

Meet Claudia, the rebellious youth determined to hunt down the truth behind the St. Lucy’s Day festival.
Claudia Mirai isn’t your typical Italian teenager. She’s into punk rock, motorcycle boots, and certainly doesn’t give a damn what you think about her mohawk. Why try to be like everyone else when she can forge her own path? Rules are meant to be broken, and she has no intention of living up to her family’s expectations – she’s proud of her pariah status. Her father runs the local bar and is satisfied with his lot in life. Claudia couldn’t care less. Born and raised in the sleepy little village of Gravoi, she’s been at odds with most of the traditionalist residents since birth. “What’s the point of it?” She thinks, “This ritual is all bullshit – but what difference does it make? I’ll never get out of this shitty town.”
After finding her Aunt Mara dead at a young age, Claudia became full of resentment towards her father and the rest of the village. No one seemed interested in finding out what really happened. An omerta, a code of silence, is held by most of the village regarding her aunt’s death and Claudia can’t understand why.
The whispering among older members of the church. Hushed tones and sideways glances. The tension before impending disaster. Claudia can’t help but notice that the village has become more secretive, more closed off, and even less friendly to outcasts like her. Armed with her traditional festival mask and a profound disillusionment of Gravoi and its traditions, she’s on a mission to understand why this keeps happening on the night of the Saturnalia festival. Maybe, how to stop it for good.
Saturnalia is a survival horror game deeply rooted in rich regional Italian culture. Inspired heavily by the rituals and festivals of Sardinia, you’ll play as four different characters following a complex narrative that takes you through the darkest depths of Gravoi. A legendary narrative team is writing the dialogue behind Saturnalia. Leading this team are Chris Remo (Firewatch and Half-life: Alyx), and Nick Breckon (The Walking Dead), and with the help of Jake Elliot (Kentucky Route Zero), each writer brings something to the table that contributes to the overall mystery of Saturnalia, driving players forward with a dogged hunt for the truth.
On your journey, the village will impede your progress – reconfiguring itself every time you lose the lives of all your characters. You’ll keep your progress throughout the story and puzzles, but each time you meet your end, you’ll need to rediscover each area, find new paths to your objectives, and re-light the fires to illuminate your way forward. Can you see the dark truths behind the prosperity and wealth of this small Italian village? Or will you fail, a slave to traditions that require the ultimate sacrifice?

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