Issue 3: Steam Next Fest Demo Is Live!

Long time no speak – the team have been working away hard on polishing up NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy over the past few months and we’re happy to announce that from the 1st – 7th October you’ll be able to check out the first hour of gameplay from the game via the Steam Next Festival!

Click the below image to be taken to the store page where you can download it and don’t forget to join our Discord and leave us some feedback!
What Is NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy
Hey there!

The demo for NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy is currently available to play during the Steam Next Fest.

This is a significant milestone for the studio, not only to get the game in your hands but to gather feedback and gauge audience reactions to what we’ve been working on for so long.
NeuroNet is unique and to be brutally honest, it’s hard to pigeonhole it into one specific genre. In some ways, it plays close to the incredibly popular Reigns. You can make quick-fire decisions (or left and right choices) which leads to an outcome and progression, but that’s probably where the similarities end. Instead, NeuroNet focuses on a story-driven experience that’s wrapped with stunning artwork and fully voice-acted characters.

The biggest divide between the two games, however, is that Reigns often sees players solely focus on the resource bar at the top of the screen in order to guide their decision making: that’s something we really wanted to step away from. Simply put, we want players to make a range of decisions, from the challenging to the mundane, but we don’t want them to be influenced by a user interface but instead by their own, personal, moral compass.
As for NeuroNet’s story (don’t worry, no spoilers here!), this is something we’re incredibly proud of. It explores our relationship with technology and the impact this can have on our lives while dealing with challenging themes of morality, corruption and greed.

You play as an experimental AI under the ownership of the megacorporation Mindcore, and you’ve been charged with meeting the needs of the city’s inhabitants. Whether that’s aiding them to make simple decisions in their daily lives, such as helping jolly Papa Ru to run his food truck in downtown Shentilar and turn it into a successful business, to grander city-wide choices like aiding the politician Denton Talingrey. Every decision you make directly affects the story and how the city views you. You’ll even receive regular reports as to just how well (or poorly) you’re thought of and how your choices impact every aspect of the city.
With multiple endings, key decisions you make can lead to very different outcomes and as you progress through the game’s chapters, you’ll not only uncover the mysteries surrounding your creation, but also the true motives of characters you encounter. From corrupt CEOs to journalists, shop workers and lab technicians, you’ll meet over 20 characters along the way.

On October 1st right through to the 7th, you’ll be able to download NeuroNet on Steam and experience all this for yourselves.

“Give the Franchise to the Fans!” – James Bond Franchise Alumni, David G. Wilson, Joins Streamline Media Group Advisory Board



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