PREVIEW : Gripper (PC)

PREVIEW : Gripper (PC)

The future game Gripper, created by Heart Core, appears to be amazing, focusing on quick reactions and vehicular warfare. Thanks to a fresh Steam demo, we got to play Gripper and had a great time. The demo, which begins with a brief cutscene and then a chase sequence, is an excellent introduction as it requires players to evade an attacker pursuing them while dodging holes, pillars, and shutting doors. It has a lot of the same routines that certain vintage video games used back in the day, so why repair what ain’t broken?

PREVIEW : Gripper (PC)

After overcoming this first obstacle, you will battle a boss foe. But then something occurs, and you find yourself somewhere else, where you must battle another boss-style foe and master the use of your grappling hook to kill it. Although it isn’t the longest demo, it is thrilling.

PREVIEW : Gripper (PC)

Unsurprisingly, the gameplay of Gripper involves holding onto foes and objects while avoiding bullets and dangerous surroundings. You’ll get access to equippable items and continue to rack up experience points for use in craft advancement. You can pull an object out of the ground or pick it up and use it as a projectile by grabbing onto it. Even minor foes can be grabbed and turned into weapons.

PREVIEW : Gripper (PC)

Although we enjoyed what we played and the game’s premise, there is currently a glaring lack of polish. The English translation we used looks to have some awkward translations at times, and the game’s difficulty seems to be extremely high right away. It took us some time to figure out how to survive repeated blasts while removing parts from the boss adversary, but once we did, it was fun. The creators may have a successful game on their hands if they can improve the gameplay formula and make the game a little less severe at first.

PREVIEW : Gripper (PC)

Graphically, Gripper is quite stunning, including stunning imagery and a colourful graphic style with cyber-futuristic motifs. The electro-synth music on the soundtrack, which gives the title its mood, is also fantastic. There is some voice acting as well, but as this is only a demo, we can’t be sure if all of the character interactions will have voices in the final build.

In light of our experience with the demo, Gripper is unquestionably a game worth keeping an eye on. If you enjoy what you play, wishlist it on Steam to receive updates on its progress.

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