PREVIEW : One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend (PC)

PREVIEW : One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend (PC)

– With Oropo, explore the “World of Twelve” universe:

Explore procedurally generated levels by passing the gate. Pick the wisest route, engage in battle with monsters, and partake in activities that will either strengthen you or not.

– Become more powerful and adept at using Wakfu: This energy is specific to the World of Twelve. If you want to overcome the most terrifying beasts, you must learn to take advantage of the changes in their flow!

PREVIEW : One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend (PC)

– Fulfill tasks and interact with oddball characters:

Dojo master, a grandmother who lifts the weights of many distinctive individuals in the One More Gate universe will assign you tasks in exchange for amazing rewards.

– Amplify your cards as you accumulate them to make destructive combos by destroying monsters, unlocking chests, and purchasing peddler’s items with kamas. With the help of the roughly 100 cards included in the game, there are numerous methods to increase the size of your deck.

– Every Run Is Different:

PREVIEW : One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend (PC)

Unexpectedly powerful gems, supernatural blessings (and curses), etc. You have the chance to learn so many secrets! Are you prepared to enter the gate?


Ankama is well recognised for its colourful games, and One More Gate is no exception. You will be delighted to find several Krosmoz connections in this game, including opponent types, currencies, equipment, and statue gods, to mention a few. If you know anything about the other incredible games Ankama has made, you will be even more pleased.

Although my original copy was bought directly from Ankama, where I played for my first 9 or so hours, I’ve logged almost 4 hours of gameplay there. Although it’s not necessarily a “negative” thing, it’s only reasonable that you adjust your expectations given that this game is still in early access.


It’s a lovely planet, full of entertaining creatures with lots of personalities. It’s simple to learn; you won’t have any trouble understanding what does what, from your card skills to enemy attacks.

It’s a “roguelite/RPG” combination, but if I had to quantify it, I’d say it seems more like a 30/70 split right now, heavily leaning toward the RPG feel. What I’m saying is that you’ll spend a lot of time grinding the same region to earn money to level cards, money to buy new cards, or just XP to level your character. You’ll feel a little more strong and, perhaps, advance a little further with each run through the Gate. As a huge RPG fan, I find this component to be really enjoyable, but others could find it too monotonous to keep spamming the same foes, feeling as though they haven’t made any progress.

PREVIEW : One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend (PC)

LOADS of promise… It almost stinks to review a game in early access since you see so much future material that might add SO MUCH to the game gated off. But I believe it’s important to highlight that as a plus.


I believe that this game currently experiences “power creep.” There is no reason to go back to a region once you eventually reach a power level with your character, cards, and equipment where you can charge through it. Being early access, it’s obvious that some locations are “closed off,” which I assume will become accessible later. Perhaps Ankama has planned for this, as some of these areas are obviously “gated off.”

Once you begin a run, you are unable to change cards, shift gears, or otherwise alter the map. It would be nice if there were ways to change cards mid-run or swap to a 2nd deck you’ve built – instead of trying to build that “perfect deck” to cover everything you might encounter in that next run. Some cards that are incredibly helpful at the beginning of a run (facing the low-level enemies), may not be as useful as you progress further into the run.

There are a few different things to do (yet). I’d adore seeing more “quests.” I’d love to see a lot more of these twists along the way, like the Muscle Rat that you can fight at one point. even useless maps that are only there for lore and/or ornamentation. Talking to the fisherman in the background, running into other locals, or solving tiny puzzles that lead to bonuses, in my opinion, would add a lot to the experience.

PREVIEW : One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend (PC)


I believe you’ll enjoy it if you’re a major RPG enthusiast who’d like to attempt an “RPG with a twist.” I believe you will enjoy it if you are a big fan of Dofus or Wakfu. If you like a lot of plot, you probably won’t like this game because there isn’t much story at the moment. If you’re a great fan of roguelite card games and enjoy creating unique “deck builds” and making adjustments as you advance through a level, you MIGHT like this. However, in the early access version, I felt a lot of constraints that would turn me off if I were this kind of player.

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