Raw Fury Reveals Two New Projects & Call of the Sea VR Trailer at Upload VR Showcase


VR editions of the psychological thriller The Signifier and the Mars-terraforming sim Per Aspera announced for Meta Quest 2

Raw Fury made a trio of announcements during today’s Upload VR Showcase, unveiling a brand-new trailer for Call of the Sea VR and two new projects in development for Meta Quest 2: the tech-noir investigative thriller The Signifier VR and the planet-taming sim Per Aspera VR. See below for the new trailers and more on each title!

The Signifier VR

Developed by Playmestudio and originally released on PC in October 2020, The Signifier is a surreal first-person mystery adventure that blends experimental investigation, psychology and artificial intelligence. Move freely between reality, objective memories and subjective feelings, searching for clues in mind-bending environments, solving puzzles, and putting the pieces together to reveal the truth.

The Signifier VR will release on Meta Quest 2 in 2023.

Per Aspera VR

A challenging combination of hard science fiction and base building, Tlön Industries’ Per Aspera takes players to the hostile surface of Mars and tasks them to colonize the planet on a scale never before seen in the genre. Per Aspera was released on PC in December 2020 and features a rich narrative with the voice acting talents of Troy Baker, Phil LaMarr, Laila Berzins, Yong Yea, Linsey Murrell, and Nneka Okoye.

Per Aspera VR will release on Meta Quest 2 in 2023.

Play Desktop Steam Games in VR with GameVRoom, Launching December 15


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