Home Gaming REVIEW : Anyaroth: The Queen’s Tyranny (PC)

REVIEW : Anyaroth: The Queen’s Tyranny (PC)

REVIEW : Anyaroth: The Queen's Tyranny (PC)

Anyaroth: The Queen’s Tyranny is a pixel-art platformer adventure game with lots of action and a memorable story. It has classic 2D action-platformer mechanics with a modern twist and a free aim system that makes for intense fights where looking for the perfect shooting angle could be a matter of life and death. The variety of weapons, objects and abilities generate impressive moments during fights. Across the game’s levels, you will explore all three layers of planet Anyaroth: Surface, Mantle and Core. You will get through ruined cities, explosive spider nests, until you reach the Regime’s capital city. Enjoy the alien landscapes of this peculiar planet! Find all helmets scattered throughout the levels and discover the secrets that this planet hides.

REVIEW : Anyaroth: The Queen’s Tyranny (PC)

The game hits the retro look hard and certainly hopes that its audience is more driven by nostalgia than by the need for graphical fidelity. The chunky pixel art is well-executed but sometimes struggles to make the world feel truly interesting. Gameplay is not affected but it could have used more personality.

REVIEW : Anyaroth: The Queen’s Tyranny (PC)

The game’s story is well-written and engaging, with plenty of twists and turns to keep you interested throughout your playthrough. The characters are well-developed and memorable, with each one having their own unique personality and backstory. The voice acting is also top-notch, with each character being brought to life by talented voice actors.

REVIEW : Anyaroth: The Queen’s Tyranny (PC)

The game’s soundtrack is also worth mentioning, as it perfectly captures the mood and atmosphere of each level. From the haunting melodies of the ruined cities to the upbeat tunes of the Regime’s capital city, the music adds an extra layer of immersion to an already immersive experience.

REVIEW : Anyaroth: The Queen’s Tyranny (PC)

Overall, Anyaroth: The Queen’s Tyranny is a great game that any fan of platformers or action games should definitely check out. With its engaging story, memorable characters, and intense gameplay, it’s sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

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review-anyaroth-the-queens-tyranny-pcOverall, Anyaroth: The Queen's Tyranny is a great game that any fan of platformers or action games should definitely check out. With its engaging story, memorable characters, and intense gameplay, it's sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.



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