REVIEW : Bonfire Peaks (PS5)

REVIEW : Bonfire Peaks (PS5)

REVIEW : Bonfire Peaks (PS5)

Bonfire Peaks is a basic game in which you are tasked with burning a box full of garbage in a fire. However, doing so is far more difficult than it appears. You can manoeuvre your character across the grid-based stages and lift and drop boxes. Although each stage may have many boxes that can be used to build bridges and steps, only one box must be burnt to complete the level. The campaign begins with you learning methods such as walking backwards up steps while carrying stuff, pushing blocks while spinning into them, and carrying stacks of blocks, but things quickly become more intricate and difficult.

REVIEW : Bonfire Peaks (PS5)

Before I go into the gameplay, I’d like to point out that Bonfire Peaks has a beautiful visual style and a unique presentation. Not only are the aesthetics attractive and full of textured voxels, but there’s also an unusual grain running through everything that truly makes the graphics shine. It also brings the surroundings to life when it rains or snows. Meanwhile, I enjoyed the droning ambient soundtrack, which made me think about the game’s premise. Why am I destroying my possessions? What is the name of this individual? I’m curious as to how much trash he owns.

REVIEW : Bonfire Peaks (PS5)

Between solving stages, you’ll navigate an overworld utilising bricks that unlock as you go through the game. Sometimes you’ll need a few blocks to get to the next set of puzzles, while other times, you’ll need one. In any case, you’re given a lot of freedom, so you don’t need to complete many stages to keep moving forward in your quest and learning new puzzle principles. On a more general point, I think it’s fantastic that the overworld is a gigantic puzzle to solve; that’s brilliant.

REVIEW : Bonfire Peaks (PS5)

Bonfire Peaks progressively introduces a slew of new concepts as you progress through the game’s levels when it comes to new mechanics. For example, some blocks shatter when you step off of them, and others are larger than the conventional size. Plus, when you come across running water, you may send boxes to go along it, which adds a whole new dimension to the game. Each of these mechanics is examined from various perspectives, putting your puzzle-solving skills to the test. With hundreds of riddles to solve, you’re in for a long and arduous campaign that will take you hours upon hours to complete.

REVIEW : Bonfire Peaks (PS5)

Of course, Bonfire Peaks has its share of frustrating stages, many of which led me to believe they were unsolvable, but I have no doubt they are. When I came across situations like these, I wished there was a hint system since a simple push would have gone a long way toward completing these extremely difficult areas. My only other gripe is that I think Bonfire Peaks would have benefited from some form of trinkets or challenges, such as level stats, to boost its replay value.

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review-bonfire-peaks-ps5Bonfire Peaks is easily one of my favourite practical puzzle games of all time, and I've played it for hours. It features everything you'd expect from a genre game, from its distinctively presented universe to its unorthodox premise and richness of challenging puzzles to its range of techniques.


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