REVIEW : Clean the Sea (PC)

REVIEW : Clean the Sea (PC)

I recently had the pleasure of playing Clean The Sea!, a game available on Steam that combines entertainment with a powerful message about environmental conservation. This game is not just a pastime, but a journey that makes you think about the impact we have on our oceans.

REVIEW : Clean the Sea (PC)


In Clean The Sea!, you are the captain of a ship with a mission to clean the oceans. The game takes you through various locations around the world, each with its unique challenges and rewards. The gameplay is simple yet engaging, requiring you to navigate your ship, collect trash, and sell it for cash. The money you earn can be used to upgrade your ship and equipment, making your clean-up efforts more efficient.

REVIEW : Clean the Sea (PC)

Graphics and Sound

The graphics in Clean The Sea! are beautifully designed, with detailed environments that change as you clean them. The sound design complements the visuals perfectly, creating an immersive experience that keeps you engaged.

Progression and Rewards

One of the most satisfying aspects of Clean The Sea! is the progression system. You start with a small boat and gradually upgrade to larger, more efficient vessels. The game also features a rewarding system where you can see the direct impact of your actions. As you clean the ocean, you’ll notice the water becoming clearer and marine life returning.

REVIEW : Clean the Sea (PC)

Educational Value

Beyond its entertainment value, Clean The Sea! serves as an educational tool. It raises awareness about the issue of ocean pollution and encourages players to take action in their own lives. The game shows the devastating effects of pollution on marine life and the environment, and how individual actions can make a difference.

REVIEW : Clean the Sea (PC)


In conclusion, Clean The Sea! is a game that entertains and educates. It’s a fun way to spend your time while also learning about an important issue. This speaks volumes about the quality of the game and its impact on players.

Clean The Sea! is more than just a game. It’s a call to action, a reminder of the impact we have on our environment, and the change we can bring—one scoop of trash at a time.

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review-clean-the-sea-pcIn conclusion, Clean The Sea! is a game that entertains and educates. It’s a fun way to spend your time while also learning about an important issue. This speaks volumes about the quality of the game and its impact on players. Clean The Sea! is more than just a game. It’s a call to action, a reminder of the impact we have on our environment, and the change we can bring—one scoop of trash at a time.


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