Home Gaming REVIEW : Cookie Cutter (PS5)

REVIEW : Cookie Cutter (PS5)

REVIEW : Cookie Cutter (PS5)

“Cookie Cutter,” developed by Subcult Ltd Studios, is a game that refuses to be ignored. It’s a Metroidvania-style game that pushes the boundaries of the genre, offering a unique and unforgettable gaming experience.

REVIEW : Cookie Cutter (PS5)

The game’s protagonist, Cherry, is a standout character. She’s strong, sassy, and self-aware, dragging her beaten, broken android body in vengeful pursuit of the antagonist. Cherry’s journey is one of revenge, resilience, and redemption, making for a compelling narrative that keeps players engaged from start to finish.

“Cookie Cutter” is unapologetically violent. The game revels in its gory, bloody scenes, which are a common occurrence. However, this violence isn’t gratuitous. It serves a purpose, adding a layer of grit and realism to the game’s dystopian world.

REVIEW : Cookie Cutter (PS5)

The world of “Cookie Cutter” is rich in detail. Each biome is home to a unique selection of critters, and the game’s environments are meticulously designed. The hand-drawn, cel-shaded art style is a visual treat, and the game’s soundtrack perfectly complements its dark, dystopian atmosphere.

REVIEW : Cookie Cutter (PS5)

The gameplay in “Cookie Cutter” is a blend of light and hard attacks, with countless combos to perfect as you navigate through the world. The combat is challenging but rewarding, requiring strategic thinking and quick reflexes. The game also offers a satisfying progression loop that doesn’t rely on random elements, ensuring that players always feel a sense of progression and achievement.

One of the game’s standout features is its unique controller. The haptic feedback provides a level of immersion that is truly next-level. Each button press, each trigger pull, feels distinct and adds a new layer of realism to games.

However, “Cookie Cutter” is not without its flaws. The sheer number of enemies can sometimes feel overwhelming, and some aspects of the game could benefit from a little more polishing. Despite these minor issues, “Cookie Cutter” remains an engaging and enjoyable gaming experience.

REVIEW : Cookie Cutter (PS5)

In conclusion, “Cookie Cutter” is a memorable addition to the Metroidvania genre. Its unique blend of gory action, engaging gameplay, and unforgettable characters make it a game worth playing for any fan of the genre. Despite a few minor flaws, “Cookie Cutter” offers a gaming experience that is both challenging and rewarding, making it a must-play for any serious gamer.

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review-cookie-cutter-ps5In conclusion, “Cookie Cutter” is a memorable addition to the Metroidvania genre. Its unique blend of gory action, engaging gameplay, and unforgettable characters make it a game worth playing for any fan of the genre. Despite a few minor flaws, “Cookie Cutter” offers a gaming experience that is both challenging and rewarding, making it a must-play for any serious gamer.



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