REVIEW : Danger Forever (PC)

REVIEW : Danger Forever (PC)

Unlike most scrolling shooters, you fly across a 3D environment – take advantage of it, and avoid colliding with walls or the ground. Also, rather than spraying adversaries with bullets, you must think ahead a little – the fuel/heat system adds dimension to combat.

REVIEW : Danger Forever (PC)

Levels are procedurally created, which means that each level is slightly different each time you play it (albeit not fully random).

Energy and materials earned while completing levels can be utilised to improve and customise your dragon.

REVIEW : Danger Forever (PC)

You’ll need those components and energy to construct a spaceship to escape that hostile planet.


Explore over 100 levels spread across 5 diverse areas.

The World map is also generated procedurally. When you start a new campaign, the planet is’re-rolled.’

Use a complex scoring system to earn azure energy and resources for upgrades.

The higher your score, the better the equipment you can afford.

Unlock new difficulty levels

REVIEW : Danger Forever (PC)

Higher difficulty levels introduce opponents and perils not found in ‘normal’ or ‘easy’ mode.

Upgrade and personalise your dragon

Levels unlock and enhance abilities and weapon modes in exchange for azure energy and materials. Plugin chips (dropping by bosses) can be utilised to further improve your dragon.

Test your skills on specially crafted infinite’survival’ levels.

Leaderboards rank your run on the survival level.

REVIEW : Danger Forever (PC)


  • in a Nutshell —-
  • You control a robotic dragon.
  • You can improve this dragon.
  • You get many skills, but the majority of them are locked and must be purchased with points.
  • To unlock new powers, you must grind a lot.
  • Each level has a difficulty setting.
  • There are two game modes available: survival and campaign.
  • Overall, it’s a good game.

PREVIEW : The Unliving (PC)


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