Home Gaming REVIEW : EchoBlade (PS5)

REVIEW : EchoBlade (PS5)

REVIEW : EchoBlade (PS5)

EchoBlade is a game that dares to be different. It takes the familiar setting of a dark, foreboding dungeon and adds a unique twist: echolocation. This mechanic, while innovative, is not enough to elevate the game to greatness due to several key issues.

Graphics and Sound Design

The graphics in EchoBlade are serviceable but lack the polish seen in other titles. The dungeon environments, while atmospheric, are somewhat repetitive and could benefit from more variety. The character models and animations are decent but not particularly impressive.

REVIEW : EchoBlade (PS5)

The sound design, on the other hand, is a standout feature. The use of audio to convey the player’s surroundings creates an immersive atmosphere that truly sells the concept of navigating through echolocation. The subtle echoes and reverberations add a layer of realism that enhances the overall experience.


The gameplay in EchoBlade is a mix of puzzle-solving and combat. The puzzles primarily involve finding switches, keys, and hidden passages. While these puzzles can be satisfying to solve, they quickly become repetitive due to a lack of complexity and variety.

REVIEW : EchoBlade (PS5)

The combat in EchoBlade is unfortunately its weakest aspect. The mechanics are slow and clunky, making battles feel more like a chore than an exciting challenge. The enemy AI is also lacking, often resorting to predictable patterns that can be easily exploited.

REVIEW : EchoBlade (PS5)

Replay Value and Difficulty

EchoBlade offers little in terms of replay value. With only one mode and one difficulty level, there’s not much incentive to revisit the game once completed. Additionally, the game’s length is on the shorter side, which could be a positive or negative depending on player preference.

REVIEW : EchoBlade (PS5)

One area where EchoBlade does not hold back is in its difficulty. Some enemies pose a significant challenge, which can lead to frustrating moments due to the lack of checkpoints. This high difficulty level may appeal to some players but could be off-putting for others.

Conclusion In conclusion, EchoBlade is a game with a unique premise and some interesting ideas but falls short in its execution. It offers an immersive audio experience and a fresh take on dungeon exploration but is let down by its simplistic puzzles, lackluster combat, and lack of replay value. It’s worth checking out for those seeking a new challenge or interested in its unique echolocation mechanic but may not appeal to everyone.

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review-echoblade-ps5Conclusion In conclusion, EchoBlade is a game with a unique premise and some interesting ideas but falls short in its execution. It offers an immersive audio experience and a fresh take on dungeon exploration but is let down by its simplistic puzzles, lackluster combat, and lack of replay value. It's worth checking out for those seeking a new challenge or interested in its unique echolocation mechanic but may not appeal to everyone.



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