REVIEW : Endzone – A World Apart (PC)

REVIEW : Endzone - A World Apart (PC)

REVIEW : Endzone – A World Apart (PC)

Endzone : A world apart is a after apocalyptic game primarily focusing on city building and survival in aftermath of a nuclear disaster. Where the enemy is not mutant rabbits and snakes but sand storms, acid rains and all other natural disasters. So basically 100 or 150 years ago   terrorist have blown up multiple nuclear power plants and few lucky survivors went into underground bunker or something.  And now after 150 years of terrorist attacks the survivors are trying to rehabilitate the planet and environment is extremely hostile you get radiation, severe droughts, climate change, stand storms all kinds of stuff that’s going to keep players from rehabilitation the planet .so yes this is the basic plot of the game.  This game is developed by gently mad games and Published by Symbol entertainment. There are many post-apocalyptic city building game out there but this one is quite different not like others its quite difficult and players will be challenged on every step. Many of player may fail to thrive it also took me a while to understand the game completely and win it which kept the thrill going.

REVIEW : Endzone – A World Apart (PC)

Coming on to the back story which is kind of interesting to be honest, in the year 2021 a group of terrorist blew up nuclear power plants and left the world in chaos. Few of the survivors who hid in underground bunkers are now trying to rehabilitate the planet after 150 years of mass nuclear effect on earth which has left earth as a barren wasteland. Players will be lading the complete rehabilitation but they will face many challenges. It’s the game with emphasis on production of food and water rather than traffic flow in conventional city builder games. And all in all a kind of story that there is to to build on I think one other things that I miss  from other similar games is sorties are necessary there here you explore the game screen you will see ruins of various things like storage ruins, green house ruins which is really interesting.

REVIEW : Endzone – A World Apart (PC)

The user interface of the game is fine, you get a confidence meter on top,  health, radiation meter for all settlers  so you know the people setting do not have radiations and if do how much.  So these are the basic needs that players need to survive and so players do the basic things like collecting food, resources etc. but there are few different things in this game that you don’t see in typical city building game like water you don’t necessarily do water collection and water harvesting.  Water is a big thing in this game and can change your whole outcome.  Also at the top you will get water, food, wood, scrap and the you have tools and protective gear and pharmaceuticals all kind of health care stuff, cloths, metal plastic, coal, electronics so basically you will be keeping a track of everything. Stuff like metals, plastic, electronics will be found in scraps. And most like other games you will break a component to make different components or combine to make different. The game has some sort of complex resource chain to offer which can be challenging for some players but I found it quite interesting. The structure of houses is quite odd but good for games scenario. Houses are made of scrap and wood which are not very intriguing but fits the games theme. On the top left you have notifications, active log which tells you what is going on in your town and task bar which tells you what needs to be done. The building menu is at the bottom which include building infrastructure, food infrastructure, resources, houses, community facility etc.

REVIEW : Endzone – A World Apart (PC)

The way the game stood out for me was in dynamic environment as you will see on bottom of the screen you will see the seasons that you are living through and it shows the season number, and what type of season it is. And according to that you have to deal with the demands of the citizens. If things like wifi, water and various resources are effected somehow the confidence will go down and this will impact your game. Players do get a weather station which will tell you what will happen next at times you might find yourself waiting for rain but you will later find out that you might be able to use this rain water as it might be toxic and the thing that you’re most waiting for is going to kill you. So these are the kind of dynamics that you have to deal with over here and how do you deal with that is quite a big change from anything seen in this kind of genre. And if you click on a random person he wil tell you all sort of things that are wrong in the place and confidence in you as a leader basically. So if the settler has a new born, electricity, food, water the confidence will go up. Also if there is no place for graves it will drop the confidence.  You will also have to deal with tooling, clothing and education of settlers. Apart from building the surviving colony there are things like expeditions where s you cans end scouts and explore all runs to find and gather more stuff. The dynamic change in the environment is worth a shout out. The changes are obvious and sudden. It goes from clear to really dusty to really dark in moments and this will affect your water supply and other things. One of the most beautiful change that I saw was when the rain clouds came and valley was all green and gorgeous. You can put various overlays to see how dry the land is how much radiation is present in that area.    

REVIEW : Endzone – A World Apart (PC)

Lets talk about the good things in this game and the reason that you should consider the possibility buy it. Well the dynamic environment is absolutely unique when it comes to these kind of games,  it’s quite different and unique which makes the game quite interesting to play and very challenging to deal with I’ll say.  The game is challenging with so many different elements in the game and complex resource chains which is quote challenging to deal with. It will take player’s at least a few play-throughs to get a hold of the game completely and understand how to start balancing the right things in right place. It is complex with many building features and mechanics that you need to master it is certainly not an easy task. The graphics I think are quite good and the world where you are is also an interesting land full of possibilities and dangerous situations.  You will constantly find a need to look around outside of your build area to see what’s going around.  While the story of the game need to be fully developed its got the making of the story.

REVIEW : Atomicrops (PC)


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