REVIEW : Golazo! 2 (PC)

REVIEW : Golazo! 2 (PC)

Golazo! 2 is an arcade-style soccer game that brings back memories of the glory days of the genre. With its simple but fun nature, it’s very easy to pick up and play. The arcade feel hits my nostalgic tastebuds, and the constant callouts add more to the overall experience rather than annoy me.

REVIEW : Golazo! 2 (PC)

The game features 58 national teams, 10 international stadiums, and 6 street fields. There’s also a street world tour, 12 street teams, and various tournaments such as the International Cup, World League, and European Cup. The addition of street mechanics and fields brings more depth to this sequel.

REVIEW : Golazo! 2 (PC)

The controls are just about like every other soccer game out there. You have basic controls for running around the pitch, passing, shooting, and trying to steal the ball away from your opponents. It really seems like soccer games haven’t updated their controls since the days of the Nintendo 64, which is just fine for me.

However, not everyone shares my positive experience with the game. Some reviewers have criticized the stiff and awkward controls, giving the impression that you’re playing on a very muddy pitch. The CPU, even on the easiest difficulty, can feel one-sided at times.

REVIEW : Golazo! 2 (PC)

Despite these criticisms, I found Golazo! 2 to be a fun and enjoyable experience. It’s certainly a perfect game for people who are wary of football managers or complicated hard-core simulators. You just grab your pad, sit on the couch and play!

REVIEW : Golazo! 2 (PC)

Overall, Golazo! 2 is a dynamic arcade football game that boldly recalls the glory days of the genre. If you’re looking for a fun and easy-to-play soccer game with an arcade feel, then Golazo! 2 is definitely worth checking out.


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review-golazo-2-pcOverall, Golazo! 2 is a dynamic arcade football game that boldly recalls the glory days of the genre. If you're looking for a fun and easy-to-play soccer game with an arcade feel, then Golazo! 2 is definitely worth checking out.


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