REVIEW : Immortals of Aveum (PC)

REVIEW : Immortals of Aveum (PC)

In the ever-evolving landscape of first-person shooters, Immortals of Aveum emerges as a refreshing twist on the genre. Developed by Ascendant Studios and available on PC via Steam, this single-player magic shooter invites players into a world teeming with arcane wonders and ballistic wizardry.

REVIEW : Immortals of Aveum (PC)

Gameplay Mechanics

At its core, Immortals of Aveum is a first-person shooter that eschews traditional firearms for the raw power of magic. Players assume the role of Jak, a Triarch who can wield three forms of magic, thrusting them into the heart of the Everwar—a conflict as old as the world of Aveum itself.

REVIEW : Immortals of Aveum (PC)

Combat System

The combat system is where Immortals of Aveum truly shines. The absence of guns is hardly felt as players conjure barrages of spells, each more visually spectacular than the last. The game’s arcane punk aesthetic blends high fantasy with advanced technology, creating a battlefield where spells and sorcery fuel war machines and medieval societies.

Puzzles and Exploration

Beyond combat, the game offers light platforming and puzzles that add depth to the gameplay. The world of Aveum is richly detailed, encouraging exploration. From gilded castles to ramshackle slums, the environment is a character in its own right, full of lore and secrets waiting to be uncovered.

REVIEW : Immortals of Aveum (PC)

Narrative and World-Building

The narrative of Immortals of Aveum is engaging, with a steady cadence of twists and revelations. While the story occasionally delves into complex fantasy jargon, it remains accessible and compelling. The game also weaves in contemporary themes, adding layers of ecological and social commentary.

Visuals and Performance

Visually, Immortals of Aveum is a feast for the eyes. The game’s graphics are striking, bringing its arcane punk world to life with vibrant colors and intricate designs. On the performance front, the game runs smoothly on recommended settings, ensuring a seamless experience.

REVIEW : Immortals of Aveum (PC)


Immortals of Aveum is a bold step in a new direction for the FPS genre. It combines the thrill of spellcasting with the adrenaline of fast-paced action, all set within a beautifully crafted world. For those looking for something different from their shooters, Immortals of Aveum is a game that should not be missed.

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review-immortals-of-aveum-pcImmortals of Aveum is a bold step in a new direction for the FPS genre. It combines the thrill of spellcasting with the adrenaline of fast-paced action, all set within a beautifully crafted world. For those looking for something different from their shooters, Immortals of Aveum is a game that should not be missed.


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