Home Gaming REVIEW : Kukoos: Lost Pets (PC)

REVIEW : Kukoos: Lost Pets (PC)

REVIEW : Kukoos: Lost Pets (PC)

Kukoos: Lost Pets is a 3D platformer aimed at a younger audience with its visual style, simple story, and cute characters. The game has technical issues and bugs, but some reviewers found it to be fun and solid, while others found it to be rough around the edges. The game is not recommended for players looking for an in-depth story and tons of exploring .

REVIEW : Kukoos: Lost Pets (PC)

The first thing that jumps out when playing Kukoos: Lost Pets is its strong presentation. The game’s aesthetics look like a mix between Fall Guys and Super Monkey Ball, with wacky and exaggerated character designs, vivid and cartoony colors, and writing that feels like it was ripped straight from a Saturday morning cartoon .

REVIEW : Kukoos: Lost Pets (PC)

The plot of the game is simple but fits the cartoon premise the game is aiming to replicate. One day, after the inhabitants of an island give their pets brand new collars to enhance their special abilities, all the pets go rogue and begin terrorizing the inhabitants. Your job is to rescue all the inhabitants’ pets and figure out the mystery behind these new collars .

In terms of gameplay, Kukoos: Lost Pets draws heavily from Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time. The game features a mix of hallway-based level segments and 2D side-scrolling levels and is constantly shifting perspectives to keep the gameplay fresh. Each level has something distinctly unique about it, whether it be spelunking in a pitch-black cave or bouncing off of gummy candies .

REVIEW : Kukoos: Lost Pets (PC)

Despite its gorgeous presentation values and satisfying platforming mechanics, Kukoos: Lost Pets has its share of glitches, high-difficulty spikes, and core pet gimmick that hold it back from being another platforming classic .

REVIEW : Kukoos: Lost Pets (PC)

Overall, Kukoos: Lost Pets is a fun arcade-type video game for those who enjoy lite gaming experiences. It does not stretch itself too far or try anything out of the ordinary. Most players will likely complete it in five or ten hours. If players are looking for a game with an in-depth story and tons of exploring, this title will not be for you .

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review-kukoos-lost-pets-pcOverall, Kukoos: Lost Pets is a fun arcade-type video game for those who enjoy lite gaming experiences. It does not stretch itself too far or try anything out of the ordinary. Most players will likely complete it in five or ten hours. If players are looking for a game with an in-depth story and tons of exploring, this title will not be for you .



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