REVIEW : One Hand Clapping (PC)

REVIEW : One Hand Clapping (PC)

REVIEW : One Hand Clapping (PC)

One Hand Clapping is developed by Bad Dream Games and launched by Handy Games.  This game is appealing and can grab your attention with its Stunning Visuals And quirky gameplay . This game does not hold much space for combat but some confusing puzzles in a platform form . This is a witty game and it justifies the title of the game as well.

REVIEW : One Hand Clapping (PC)

One Hand Clapping does not come with a detailed tutorial or some sensible story . A dark power with no name is taking over the world and destroying the colors of this beautiful world. You are the protagonist who is cute but remains unnamed. It is not your go–to platform game and the navigating is pretty difficult but satisfying.  Your mission is  to use your voice to solve some puzzling problems  and to manipulate the sections of each area, allowing the little creature , you, to move forward. All you need is a headset or a microphone and a controller, and you’re set on the path.

REVIEW : One Hand Clapping (PC)

The gameplay is simple yet complex. Most of the game’s main mechanics  come from players using their voices to solve its huge variety of puzzles that the game offers. One Hand Clapping wants you to use sounds from your vocal cords to perform tasks. You can light up a lampost like this. You can alter the platforms and move them accordingly , letting your character move further. The puzzles initially can feel a little too easy and can make you feel bored. But things change when you move further.

REVIEW : One Hand Clapping (PC)

You need techniques to solve the puzzle and also an ear for music. The game has so many elements which can feel repetitive but are used with wit to make this game a wholesome experience. This game is definitely a brain teaser and there are not many clues as well. The complexity is cranked up with each level. You would not get tired of the mechanics . The game is intelligently designed and keeps in mind the experience they are providing to their audience. You will not be bored of the mechanics as they are used differently with different puzzles. Nothing will overstay its welcome to bore you. As soon as anything starts getting too repetitive , the game takes a new twist .

People who are musically inclined will enjoy this game a lot. Every encounter is short and crisp and leads to a huge proceeding , which is very satisfying and will fill you with bliss. This game will have your family questioning your actions as you will be making noises . You will be in the game with your headphones on but the ones around you will witness you and will probably think of you as a maniac. One hand clapping offers a smooth and high quality music environment. The music changes with the changing environment and perfectly suits it as well. There are various sounds for each realm and their is a smooth shift when ever required.

REVIEW : One Hand Clapping (PC)

The game is pretty long and though it can be completed within five or six hours , you will have to spend a lot of time solving those complex puzzles. One Hand Clapping does not bring plot to the platter. There is an absence of well designed story telling. Even though the game is well designed, the story is not. The visuals are wonderful and the characters are beautifully crafted. This game is a clever concept and is very visually appealing.


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