REVIEW : Planet Zoo: Conservation Pack (PC)

REVIEW : Planet Zoo: Conservation Pack (PC)

REVIEW : Planet Zoo: Conservation Pack (PC)

The Planet Zoo: Conservation Pack is now available! As you add the Przewalski’s horse, amur leopard, scimitar-horned oryx, siamang, and axolotl to your own zoo, you’ll discover the crucial role zoos play in protecting the environment. There are a few species that are quite popular and have high visibility in conservation efforts. Even though I would have preferred an animal from Oceania rather than one from the two continents with the most animals already in the game, these are still welcome inclusions.

REVIEW : Planet Zoo: Conservation Pack (PC)

Animal care and conservation have always been at the core of Planet Zoo’s design philosophy. Each animal you add to your zoo has an entry on Zoopedia that describes its requirements, extinction status, and other fascinating information. The Conservation Pack puts a focus on an aspect of Planet Zoo that has always been significant: caring for, reproducing, and releasing endangered species back into the wild. Utilize 150+ breathtaking scenery pieces based on rewilding and resource management themes to embrace a more viable future. With enticing new landscape elements, create a paradise of untamed meadow plants and food plots. Build beautiful habitats and structures using sustainable resources. Rescue animals in need by taking on a difficult new scenario at the Turtle Rock Wildlife Orphanage in Mongolia.

REVIEW : Planet Zoo: Conservation Pack (PC)

 Animal welfare and wealth are important gameplay elements in Planet Zoo, which places a strong emphasis on conservation. It was crucial for us to find ways to tell players about the situation of these incredible creatures we share the earth with in a way that allows them to learn knowledge gradually and comprehensively because modern zoos are crucial to the future of biodiversity. Przewalski’s horse, amur leopard, scimitar-horned oryx, siamang, and axolotl are five endangered species that need to be rehoused. Conservation organisations are presently attempting to aid these incredible species in recovering from habitat degradation, poaching, and climate change.

Playing Planet Zoo makes these fundamental principles clear right away. Be on the lookout for novel behaviours. Siamangs may congregate, create new chorus cries, and nimbly swing from metal climbing frames using their long limbs. These entertaining gibbons will enthral all of your guests! With a variety of eco-friendly scenery and vivid greenery, you may position your zoo for a sustainable future. The game’s core features include creating appropriate habitats for animals, taking good care of them, and ensuring their safety and nutrition. If you don’t treat nature with respect, you’ll suffer from a bad reputation, disruptive protesters, and other serious repercussions. You can learn more about the creatures under your care as you create your zoo through a variety of channels, including in-game information.  Place expansive meadows, swinging sunflowers, fruiting fig trees, and graceful Korean pines, and choose a variety of ecologically sound structures, such as recycled glass outhouses and ethically produced timber huts. Realistic behind-the-scenes props like garden forks, wheelbarrows, water hoses, and brooms will add more authenticity and celebrate the inner workings of your zoos.

These four habitat and one display species can all be introduced to any zoo you construct, much like other Planet Zoo DLC. Additionally, the pack includes a brand-new timed scenario where you must rescue, care for, and then release animals from the Turtle Rock Wildlife Orphanage. Along with this, a variety of stunning objects in the landscape, structures, and vegetation recall the natural paring of sustainability. They undoubtedly exude a weird vibe. The community has expressed a strong desire for three of them, but I worry that they are too focused on the “hyper zoo fan,” which is a common worry for the pack as a whole. You receive the Amur Leopard, which is yet another spotted cat but is undoubtedly sought by the fan community. And the new scenery is wonderful, adaptable, and usable everywhere. I adore the new statues and their whimsical, enjoyable aesthetic.

REVIEW : Planet Zoo: Conservation Pack (PC)

The threatened species of animals is directly integrated into parts of the show’s simulation, so it’s always a component we consider. While endangered animals in games are nothing new, there is something unique about this one. We heavily considered the animals’ conservation history when selecting species for the Conservation Pack.

Chorus and sniffing behaviours are GREAT because they make animals feel more alive. I tested the wolves, and I could hear their howls clearly from the opposite side of my zoo, which I really enjoyed. – I love the new teaching stations, and I’m so happy to see some guest interaction again.

With their global breeding and release programmes, zoos are essential to their existence. Siamangs, like the majority of gibbon species, are under peril due to habitat loss brought on by the controversial practise of clearing land for palm oil plantations. Only a few hundred Amur leopards are still found in the wild, making them highly endangered due to habitat degradation and poaching. The Snow Leopard and Cheetah from the basic game have been joined by the Jaguar, Clouded Leopard, and Lynx from DLCs. This is a fantastic option for gamers who already adore the game and value “authenticity.”

To create creatures that feel so authentic, the Planet Zoo crew conducts in-depth research on animal behaviour. The Wild Horse is absolutely stunning and is shockingly well made, both in terms of models and animations. “It’s really important to us that our in-game animals, as well as the inner workings of players’ zoos, reflect their real world counterparts in a way that feels authentic. This has its ups and downs, as I shall discuss further in the review. Although the community requests it frequently, will others who are more “casual” be interested in a brown horse? I have no idea, but it looks fantastic that I can’t complain.

REVIEW : Planet Zoo: Conservation Pack (PC)

Although these threatened species are the main emphasis of the pack and its timed scenario, the sustainable decor effectively supports the game’s environmental themes. The Conservation Pack goes beyond the sustainability messages that Planet Zoo has traditionally emphasised, such as the potential to collect conservation credits through recycling and decreased operating costs when using solar panels and wind turbines. Outside of tasmanian devils, sloths, and expansions into marine or avian content, the siamang is unquestionably the standout winner and most desired species in the group. Between the brachiating system and chorus of calls, gibbons as a whole were among the last of the enormously requested animals since launch. With an emphasis on natural materials and living roofs, the structures convey a sense of modern design and sustainability. As usual, there are pre-built staff and visitor facilities in addition to a variety of distinct materials that architects and designers can utilise to make unique creations. Last but not least, there has long been a problem with some climbing creatures not spending nearly as much time climbing as they should, such as the koala, red panda, and orangutan.

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