REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

Post Human W.A.R is a turn based strategy game with post-apocalypyse background with humor thrown into the mix.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

Human are long gone but large cities and robots remain. With No humans to protect, the robots continue function till they discover Mutants who are trying to enter Human cities.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

Mutants have the ability to possess any Mammal. There is variety of Mutants, like the Wreaks who just wish to destroy everything and return earth to its natural state. While the Anthropists wish to take place of the humans and inhabit the earth.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

The Maps are hex based grid for strategic movements and whole map is displayed in an isometric view. The graphics are clean and very detailed with maps containing interesting details. The units are very detailed and quite eye catching and every faction differs in its style. Then there are the cut scenes, with the important ones getting full voice treatments where as other gets text-based narrative.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

Interface is clean and very well placed throughout the game. There is minimum graphics settings in the game, so you cant tinker the graphics as you want.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

The game has a really good soundtrack which always matches the in-game action going on. Likewise, every sound effect is right in place with the game and blends in. Voice acting is amazing as well and feels right at home while playing the game.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

Post Human WAR features turn based combat with no resource gathering and troop building of a typical RTS/TTS game. You have certain resource points which you can use to deploy troops on the Hex Grid on the map.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

Each unit can either fully move upto its movement rating or just half of it. The game interface helps identify the movement capability of the unit by highlighting the map. Attacking a enemy’s unit always results in certain amount of damage being dealt.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

There is a brilliant selection of troops to choose from the three factions which differ greatly in style. Troops are divided into close range and long range. The game consists of good amount of codex regarding the units.

The game introduces the concept of champion, you and your opponent both get a champion but each champion looks like a normal unit, if you manage to kill your opponent’s champion then from there on out, every turn all of the opponent’s unit take some damage. Similarly, with totems, every map has totems and if you take out totems, enemy units again suffer damage at start of each turn. Maps also consists of obstacles and covers, which enhances the strategy options for the game. You can even cancel last move if you think you have made a blunder, but you can only use this 3 times per battle.

REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)
REVIEW : Post Human W.A.R (PC/ Steam)

There is no option to save the game mid battle, which is a draw back. To add to the draw backs, you always need to be online to play this game, every mission required you to be online.


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