Home Gaming REVIEW : Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man (PC)

REVIEW : Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man (PC)

REVIEW : Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man (PC)

Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man is an interactive tie-in comic that gives players a bit more insight into the main game’s background and serves as a great entry point for the horror mystery title, Saint Kotar. The comic is set in the world of Saint Kotar and explains the backstory of some of the characters you will encounter in the main game.

REVIEW : Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man (PC)

The Crawling Man explains the story of Rudolph “Mojse” Mojsek, who was once a beloved teacher of the town of Sveti Kotar and a man of god, who, after surviving a mine collapse, becomes a mad cult leader whose mind is as broken as his body.

REVIEW : Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man (PC)

Despite being a very short experience, roughly 30 minutes, Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man is certainly a good one. The comic, much like the main game is rich with atmosphere and players will easily feel immersed in the setting, from the joyous sounds of children playing to the hushed mutterings of shadow demons that lurk in the dark, you will feel as if you’re a part of the world, even as you witness some of its darkest moments.

REVIEW : Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man (PC)

The art style is unique and fits perfectly with the game’s dark and eerie atmosphere. The characters are well-drawn and their expressions are very detailed which adds to their believability. The sound design is also top-notch and adds to the overall experience.

The story itself is well-written and engaging. It’s not just about scares but also about exploring the world and uncovering its secrets. The pacing is perfect and it never feels like it’s dragging on too long or rushing through important moments.

REVIEW : Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man (PC)

Overall, Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man is an excellent tie-in comic that serves as a great entry point for those interested in playing Saint Kotar. It’s short but sweet and leaves you wanting more. If you’re looking for an immersive horror experience with great storytelling and atmosphere then look no further than Saint Kotar.

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review-saint-kotar-the-crawling-man-pcOverall, Saint Kotar: The Crawling Man is an excellent tie-in comic that serves as a great entry point for those interested in playing Saint Kotar. It's short but sweet and leaves you wanting more. If you're looking for an immersive horror experience with great storytelling and atmosphere then look no further than Saint Kotar.



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