Home Gaming Review : Tearaway (PS VITA)

Review : Tearaway (PS VITA)


Media Molecule have done it again , they introduced user generated content into story telling and gameplay. No, I am not talking about Little Big Planet , I am talking about Tearaway , a game made to make you feel loved and worshipped.

Tearaway is like a duet song , with atoi , the game protagonist and you singing the game stanza by stanza.Vita’s Unique Controls help you touch atoi/iota world in a creative manner. The game symbolises you as the powerful You , and as the powerful YOU, your duty is to help the protagonist complete his journey , a journey to deliver you a unique message. Iota or Atoi idolise you and you are seen through the sun in the game world via front facing camera.

As you begin the game you are asked which gender are you and what ethnicity you belong to, which may seem odd, but it really helps the game to immerse you better,  so choose it accurately. You can manipulate in-game world by using front touch screen and rear touch pad,  both used in their unique way further tilting your vita or shouting at your Vita will seem obvious when you play the game. It is Iota or Atoi’s journey to deliver this message to You, the player.

The world of Tearaway and yours interact continuously with you acting as the medium . You’re required to take real world pictures for various applications, using the touch screen to interact with platforms, and destroy beasties called Scraps using front and back touch pad. You get to color fur of elk, design crown for a king and design some pretty looking snowflakes too.

More often than not, you control Atoi with standard controls left analog and the action buttons,  the touch screen interaction plus the back touch pad fiddling only add to the experience and it feels totally natural to perform such interactions. You get throw creatures into hoops, get to ride pig, even color the creatures fur. The in-game camera is also amazing and easy to use,  with many filters to choose from and awesome collection of lenses make it a great and unique addition to the game.

In Tearaway you are always wondering what will happen next, what adventure lies ahead, the three phases of story you go through always keeps you engaged and story grows on you fold by fold. Tearaway is the most unique game I have ever played with story telling never seen before in a game, especially a VITA game. As the story progresses you are totally engrossed in the world of Tearaway, with scenery consisting of paper water ripples and paper crafted storms, who wouldn’t be lost in such a beautiful world.

Tearaway is filled with original ideas all throughout the game, even the narrator says this journey won’t have common enemies like goblins,  instead scraps will be the enemies, tiny newspaper  clippings. You can even create in-game characters by taking photo of the totally white in-game character using the camera that protagonist has and the tutorial to create these characters would appear on your tearaway.me profile. You can even customise Iota or Atoi using in-game confetti to purchase pre-made things or you can create your own things using paper craft present in the game . The game now and then tasks you with creating in-game objects,  be it crown for a King or snowflakes for the mountain. Everything and anything you create, the game makes it look beautiful and as if it was already part of the Game.

The game takes you through various scenery ranging from deserts, mountains, lovely and bright jungles to wild scary jungles. This Journey makes us emotionally attached with Iota or Atoi but the journey comes to an abrupt end leaving tears in your eyes and heart wanting for more.

Everything is well put together, the rhythmic music, the paper crafted world, the use of vita controls in unique fashion, the journey of Iota or Atoi and the message being delivered makes you feel warmth and loved and this is what makes Tearaway an experience to be had. Everything you do in the game makes you feel like you are contributing towards the growth of the story and makes you feel connected at all times,  may be thats why Tearaway is such an emotional experience.

With Trophies(13 Bronze, 12 Silver, 5 Gold, 1 Platinum) to be collected and tears to be shed at the story , Tearaway really is a complete package . Game can be found at bargain prices now , so gift yourself this magical experience.



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