Home Gaming REVIEW : Terraformers: First Steps on Mars (PC)

REVIEW : Terraformers: First Steps on Mars (PC)

REVIEW : Terraformers: First Steps on Mars (PC)

REVIEW : Terraformers: First Steps on Mars (PC)

If the title Terraformers: First Steps on Mars sounds familiar, it’s because it’s a “preview” of a game called Terraformers that will be released shortly. I love it when companies do things like this, and this works as a prologue quest to the main game to make you excited for when it comes out. As someone who has always been fascinated by Mars and space travel in general, I am always interested when a game like this is mentioned.

REVIEW : Terraformers: First Steps on Mars (PC)

20 Years Before The Mission

As previously stated, Terraformers: First Steps on Mars is a prequel to the main game, Terraformers, and while this may sound like a rip-off of the Transformers franchise, this is not the case. It takes place 20 years before the main game, and the outcome of the main quest is entirely dependent on what occurs here. What’s going on here is that we need to send a smaller team up to Mars to get things ready before we can truly make a dent in colonizing it.

REVIEW : Terraformers: First Steps on Mars (PC)

The Red Planet

I’ve watched several sci-fi movies in which a mission to Mars fails miserably. After choosing your commander in Terraformers: First Steps on Mars, you must travel to Mars. You must explore Mars to locate rich resources that will aid in the establishment of a base on the red planet. You will be given several tasks to do in the game. These are the kinds of chores you’d expect to see in a strategy game: find this, build that, fix that, and so on. It would help to construct the outpost that the main team will use when they arrive on Mars.

REVIEW : Terraformers: First Steps on Mars (PC)

Gathering And Using Resources

Much of what you accomplish in this game revolves around resources and how you use them. For example, early on in Terraformers: First Steps on Mars, you come across a location that is rich in resources, and you may gather these resources to use to build bases, equipment, and other things. You want to eventually have trees and other things that people will need to exist on Mars.

REVIEW : Terraformers: First Steps on Mars (PC)

Seeing Red

Terraformers: First Steps on Mars has a simple visual style, but I’m sure the complete edition, when released, will have more to offer in terms of graphics. While most of what you’re doing is menus and a top-down sort of view, I appreciate the game’s “red” theme.

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