REVIEW : Touhou: New World (PC)

REVIEW : Touhou: New World (PC)

Touhou: New World is an action-packed bullet hell game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The game is set in the mystical land of Gensokyo, where shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei and magician Marisa Kirisame live relatively peaceful lives. However, when they find themselves transported beyond the boundary and into the unfamiliar territory of the outside world, they must unravel the mysteries that threaten their home and restore peace to the lands.

REVIEW : Touhou: New World (PC)

The game features a variety of enemies that unleash fountains of projectiles, but you can counter them by inflicting heavy damage with spell cards, dealing powerful blows with purification rods, and slowing attacks with well-timed guards. You can level up skills, forge new equipment, and explore Gensokyo to uncover the truth.

REVIEW : Touhou: New World (PC)

In terms of graphics, Touhou: New World is a visual treat. The game’s vibrant colors and detailed backgrounds are a feast for the eyes. The character designs are also impressive, with each character having their own unique look and feel. The music is another highlight of the game, with catchy tunes that will stay with you long after you’ve finished playing.

REVIEW : Touhou: New World (PC)

One of the things that sets Touhou: New World apart from other bullet hell games is its story. The game’s narrative is engaging and well-written, with plenty of twists and turns to keep you hooked. The characters are also well-developed, with each one having their own backstory and motivations.

REVIEW : Touhou: New World (PC)

Overall, Touhou: New World is an excellent addition to the bullet hell genre. With its engaging story, impressive graphics, and catchy music, it’s a game that’s sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.



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