Home Gaming REVIEW : Tunche (XBOX Series X)

REVIEW : Tunche (XBOX Series X)

REVIEW : Tunche (XBOX Series X)

REVIEW : Tunche (XBOX Series X)

Tunche developed by the LEAP Game Studios and launched by Hypetrain Digital. Tunnche is an action packed thrilling game .Its developers are from Peru and have set the whole theme of the game in amazon Rainforests. This game is capable of bringing new perspectives and fresh starts to the world of gaming .

REVIEW : Tunche (XBOX Series X)

 Tunche is a roguelite beat ‘em up set in the rainforests of Amazon . Here you will find quite a different set of things for which you will have to keep an open mind . The story is absolutely creative and the experience is like jumping into an inventive genre. This was very appealing . You can get nostalgia as well and you will be reminded of those arcade beat ‘em up .

REVIEW : Tunche (XBOX Series X)

Tunche depicts the perfect scenario of moving away from the cliched genres and makes a place for itself. The visuals are commendable and this game addresses the issues I used to face a lot with the generic beat ‘em up games.  The speed of the playable characters is good enough unlike the standard beat ‘em up games.  The movement feels great and smooth. You can move quickly and swiftly.  Tunche is attention striking and very appealing with the whole gameplay and narrative it provides to its users. All the characters have a dodge move to further aid you in avoiding attacks. Almost all of the enemies telegraph their attacks and it which makes things very easy in the initial levels, but later it would be close to impossible without this feature

Characters have a dodge move to avoid attacks. The character designs are simple but appealing.  The characters are hand drawn . There are five playable characters. You can choose one of the characters and master their abilities and skills and make full utilisation of their capabilities. Every playable character has an almost same  upgrade tree with an amount of new moves and combinations.  You will defeat epic bosses and unravel the secrets of the mysterious Amazonian rainforest.

REVIEW : Tunche (XBOX Series X)

The game revolves around comparatively risky, but generously rewarding combat, and a unique  grade system. You can choose a hero that suits your style the most and start your journey through  different worlds, each filled with unique nemesis.

The initial levels can feel a little boring but as you move forward and unlock new moves , everything gets better . The game is very enjoyable and fun as you move ahead . The game offers an exciting combat system and each character has a slightly different moveset. The launcher move is extremely enjoyable wherein your enemies are made to vanish in the air.

The story is pretty simple . Each character has their own problems like someone’s family is trapped or some character is half human and half bird or someone needs to find a cue to return to her own world etc. you will be given a mission according to your character. So you can play this game 5 times for each character. Tunche is the one who is going to help you with your issues. You will be given prologues of the characters.  The rewarding system is extremely good and you will be rewarded in currencies and spiritual cores.

REVIEW : Tunche (XBOX Series X)

The boss attacks in Tunche really stood out to me. The encounters with each boss were enjoyable and different  and packed with stress.You will be  trying your best to bring down their shield bar so you  could get in a few real hits and shave away at their health bar, while simultaneously trying to learn their movement patterns. I loved how the bosses are based on real-world creatures. The second boss, Boutu, is a pink dolphin, and let me tell you it’s not some pink cute dolphin .This guy is huge and evil and probably  the most troublesome out of all the bosses. All of the boss fights are well designed and the first time I defeated each one was extremely pleasurable . Having a huge boss variety can help with the repetitiveness of roguelites, and I think that is one of the many reasons games like Binding of Isaac and Dead Cells stand out in this genre. If they could have just done something to offset the repetitive nature of the first level or two, like an alternate boss and/or level, this could have increased the long term enjoyment of the game, but based on all the movements and attack patterns I’m sure each of the five bosses in the game took a lot of time and effort to design.

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