Get Hands-On with Satirical Puzzler, Lab Rat, to Demo at the Steam Games Festival


You are being monitored, profiled and judged by a metrics-obsessed AI…

Game development studio Chump Squad is excited to announce the demo for upcoming satirical puzzler, Lab Rat, will be available to play at the Steam Game Festival on February 3rd 2021.

Brought to you by the creator of Kine, Lab Rat is a hand-crafted narrative puzzler masquerading as a machine-generated video game. Players progress through over a hundred satisfying yet surprising puzzles in an AI-administered test. Over time, the AI will develop an understanding of humanity—albeit ludicrously misguided—based on your performance and survey response. 

  • Maneuver objects, divert lasers and manipulate electricity to overcome 100+ genre-bending puzzles.
  • Outwit a metrics-obsessed machine intent on heckling you for your humanity.
  • View and contribute to in-game analytics that are updated in real-time with real player data.

Lead developer Gwen Frey comments, “I had this oppressive and absurd feeling in lockdown, cut off from much human interaction and only communicating with others through social media. I wanted to make a game that captured that, not in a way that’s negative or dark, but kind of light-hearted. I wanted to poke fun at the absurdity of our current situation.”

Lab Rat’s demo will launch in tandem with the Steam Game Festival on February 3rd. Expect to try out hand-on demos, chat with developers, watch live streams and learn about the best new games at this digital event, all from the comfort of home.

Human test subjects for this demo will be accepted on PC only. It’s up to you to avoid becoming just another data point for the next tester’s playthrough! Please note the direct transfer of electrons to test subjects may occur, but does not typically result in long term damage…

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