Home Gaming Soft Focuses – Last chance to back Lethe!

Soft Focuses – Last chance to back Lethe!


Soft Focuses – Last chance to back Lethe!

Lethe (pronounced “liːθi:” or “Lee-Thee”) is a TTRPG for 1-6 players and 1 GM where players are a group of individuals in an odd and dreamlike world. They wake up on the shore of a river knowing only their name and are tasked with finding who they used to be and how much of that person they want to be going forward.

Unlike traditional TTRPGs, characters in Lethe are not created by the players, but by the GM. The players will decide the character’s name and what they look like, while the GM creates the character’s backstories as well as their stats, skills, and abilities. To help make sure the characters are in line with what the players would like to play, the GM uses a survey to get the “vibes” of how the player will be playing the character. The players then need to learn what their character can do by playing and trying different actions.

As players begin to regain their memories, they not only learn who they used to be, but must also must make the choice if these are memories that reinforce who they are now or if they will reject them. This changes how the character grows and progresses in the game.

There are only about thirty hours left in the campaign and you can check it out here:


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