Tentacular Wriggles onto Meta Quest & SteamVR on March 24


Tentacular Wriggles onto Meta Quest & SteamVR on March 24

Tentacular, a VR game about a gigantic but good-hearted tentacled beast trying to figure out its place in the world, will wriggle its way into your heart on March 24 for Meta Quest and SteamVR.

Raised among humans on the bustling and eccentric island of La Kalma, Tentacular tasks players with helping their human friends to research a strange and powerful energy source through action-based activities and construction puzzles, using nothing but their unwieldy appendages.

Tame your titanic tentacles to aid your epic quest, and unlock elements for your very own playground in the bonus creative sandbox mode!

Visit tentacular.com and get your suckers ready.

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