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Prepare for the zombie apocalypse — Top Tips for Crafting in Zelter


Prepare for the zombie apocalypse — Top Tips for Crafting in Zelter

The apocalypse is nigh as Zelter, the “cute” survival simulation from Super.com and G1 Playground, will be coming to Early Access this October. We know getting started once the world has ended can be overwhelming, but never fear — the team at G1 Playground are happy to guide you through your first days in Zelter! Here are just a few tips on what you should immediately craft in-game to ensure your long-term survival and keep yourself from becoming a zombie’s Lunchable!

Read on to stay ahead of the curve and make sure you’re prepared for the zombie hordes waiting for you in Zelter:

Food: This may seem like a no-brainer, but hunger and thirst are more dangerous than any undead attacker. Anyone looking to survive in this post-apocalyptic future must make food and drink a priority. While some players may survive by scavenging apples and other fruit and eating what they find out in the world, smarter players will take the time to grow their own foods, cooking them to perfection to make them more tasty and nourishing. But don’t forget hydration! By bringing a cup of water with them on their scavenging trips, players can get an instant refreshing burst of energy to tide them over until they make it back to safety.

Weapons: While running and hiding may seem like smart choices, in Zelter, that will only delay the inevitable conversion to zombie snack (or, you becoming one with the horde). So, take the time to gather the resources needed to craft some sort of weapon! Knives, crossbows, and even machine guns are all effective against the undead, and the more powerful the weapon, the more likely you are to survive. But to get started, grab some stone and some wood, and set about making an axe to help with zombie head-busting — and hey, it doubles as a handy tool for chopping down more trees.

Workbench: Although simple items can be crafted with your bare hands, a workbench is essential for making complex items. In Zelter, there are many different types of workbenches, from ordinary wooden worktops to forges that can melt hot iron. If you want access to the best tools and weapons, then don’t forget to put a workbench together immediately.

Storage: Your backpack is only so big, and if you really want to get ahead of the competition and the zombie hordes, storage is very important. Not only will it allow you to safely store items that won’t fit in your bag, but it will also let you organize them and even share them with other NPC survivors. To begin with, you’ll only be able to craft a drawer to store your items. As the game progresses, you’ll be able to craft larger chests which will allow you to keep your items secure overnight.

Defensive Tools: In the dark night, zombies will surround your shelter, looking for weaknesses and ways to get in. If they raid the shelter while you’re away, you’ll lose your valuable companions along with the items that you’ve worked hard to gather or craft. So, as soon as you can, set to work on building fences, traps, and gun turrets around your perimeter to keep you safe while you sleep and prevent incidents of “You snooze, you lose (your life).” 

Zelter takes a cute pixelated art-style, adds a dash of upbeat music, and mixes it all together for a post-zombie-apocalypse crafting and survival experience like no other. Use your skills to craft tools for survival and defense, start a farm, and head out into the world to scavenge supplies while saving lives. Zombies will come for you eventually — so prepare yourself and your home by getting your defenses ready and your machine gun turrets fully loaded. After all — a zombie apocalypse is tough to overcome, even if it’s in a charming pixelated universe. 

Zelter will arrive on Steam’s Early Access on October 22, 2020.

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