Unleash Your Inner Warrior In our Slave Zero X Abilities Trailer!


Our developers at Poppy Works have just released an awesome Abilities Trailer For Slave Zero X! Showcasing the devastating combos and powerful maneuvers YOU can use as the Pilot in Slave Zero X. Get excited to use the incredible skill sets that await you in this dystopian ‘Hack and Slash’ Adventure.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll be able to experience in Slave Zero X:

◆ Devasting Combos: Unleash an arsenal of lightning-fast armour-destroying combos that will leave those who oppose you quivering in fear. Master the art of chaining your attacks together to create a symphony of ultimate destruction.

◆ Powerful Bio-Mech Abilities: Harness the raw symbiotic energy gifted to you by the Slave Unit. From manipulating an array of AOE’s and gravity-defying dashes. These abilities will give YOU the upper hand in every encounter!

But don’t just take our word for it; witness the mind-blowing action for yourself and get a taste of the adrenaline-fueled adventure that awaits you inthe new Abilities Trailer.

And should you still need your hack-and-slash kick, dive into Megacity S1-9 by trying out our Slave Zero X demo!

GT : Farsiders – Official Alpha Gameplay Preview


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