Watch Dev Walkthrough of chess-based puzzle game collection Chessarama 


Dev diary series begins with entries about art direction for backgrounds and soccer-themed pieces

Developer Minimol Games, in partnership with SMG Studio, have revealed an all new Developer Walkthrough showcasing some of the  chess-inspired puzzle games that make up Chessarama, ahead of its launch this Fall on PC and Xbox platforms. Prepare to reimagine chess as you never have before, with eight single-player variations of the classic board game that will force veteran chess aficionados to rewire their brains while also training new players to think like a chess master!

This Developer Walkthrough sees game designer Luis Júnior and game & UX designer Ana Carolina provide an overview of how Chessarama’s Lady Ronin game works. This  feudal Japan-set variation of chess tasks players with guiding Lady Ronin to assassinate the enemy Shogun. Lady Ronin is an immortal character who moves like a Queen, but she can’t slay a unit that’s being guarded by another piece. Instead, she can only push it back. In order to access the enemy Shogun, you’ll have to face off against enemy Bishops, Rooks and Queens. 

You’ll also get a sneak peek at Farm Life, where you play as a chess Knight who must cultivate the tiles of their garden to grow crops; Soccer Chess, where you must position your pieces in pursuit of kicking the ball into the goal; and Dragon Slayer, wherein players must move a pawn to the end of the board where it can slay a mighty dragon, though the dragon attacks the board after every turn, obliterating any unprotected piece. Try all these and several more original chess-inspired puzzle games in Chessarama!
Minimol has also started a series of Dev Diaries entitled Checkmate Chronicles that detail all the creative and artistic decisions that went into designing Chessarama. The first two entries are already live. They include:   From sketches to final results — How we designed the dioramas for Street Soccer. This outlines how the dev team captured the look and feel of Rio de Janeiro for its Street Soccer mode. Do Chess Pieces Have a Mood? — The moodboard and character design in Chessarama. This post details the process of creating chess pieces that convey the look, feel and character of a Street Soccer team.
“We’re proud of the work we did in giving each game in Chessarama a unique personality,” said Raphael Dias, CEO and Game Director at Minimol Games. “With Chessarama we wanted to create a game that appeals to both fans of chess, as well as people who haven’t even played chess before. Chessarama‘s variations make you rewire your brain in a way that flexes your spatial puzzle-solving skills in a way we think is appealing to all sorts of puzzle fans.”
More about Chessarama:
Chessarama is a smorgasbord of chess-inspired single-player games that use chess pieces and their established move sets, then reimagines their goals and themes. Choose a game, quickly learn its rules and play through the campaign, unlock collectibles, and compete against each other on the leaderboards. Endless replayability awaits you. Welcome to Chessarama!  


  • Play all original and exclusive chess-inspired games available in Chessarama
  • Learn and practice many chess skills: strategic thinking, tactics, visualization, grid geometry and much more
  • Unique art style comprised of beautiful dioramas
  • High replay value with online leaderboards
  • Learn chess movements, tactics and strategies through a modern video game experience
  • Also includes “Classic Chess” for oldschool purists

Chessarama is partnered with to be an official sponsor of the world’s top online chess tournament, Champions Chess Tour for the remainder of the 2023 season.

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